Is it wrong?

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Patrick sat in his seat and waited desperately for class to end. It was the last class of the day and all he wanted to do was leave and never come back again. Of course not without and visit from a few of his friends, and by that it meant basically the three people at the school that didn't make fun of him.
He didn't have a ton of people to rely on like most kids his age did. He had two brothers and a best friend, and then a few other kids that would occasionally talk to him. Although he didn't have much, he rarely ever felt lonely. They were always there for him no matter what.
Once the bell finally rang Patrick sprang out of his seat and grabbed his things, rushing off to his locker to see his people. Yes, it may sound strange but they meant more than anything else to him. His best friend was waiting for him as always, and shortly after his brothers go there as well.
"Patrick, I'm going to be at practice today. I'll see ya." His oldest brother waved at him and started to leave. That was Neil. He was the oldest, and he was also the jock of the family. He was basically on every team that he could be on without killing himself. This of course made him perfect to the rest of the family.
"And I've got book club, I'm sorry. I can drive you home if you'd like." His other brother chimed in. Rylie was the other brother. He was quiet and very reserved, he was more into books than looks if you get what I mean. None the less Patrick never had a favorite brother. Both were perfect to him, and they always had his back.
"Nope, I'll just walk Jesse home today and hang out there for a little while. Her parents don't mind." Patrick smiled as his brothers walked away and left him with his friend. She was just plain happy around him. Yes there were moments when she was a brat and had to be mean to everyone but he loved her anyways. (As a friend of course). She grabbed her things and began to walk out of the school with him before a couple of guys shoved Patrick into a wall and laughed.
"Why'd they do that..?" Jesse stopped and looked at them as they left.
Patrick shrugged a little bit and brushed himself off before walking again. "Eh, people can be jerks. I don't take it personally most of the time."
Jesse just nodded and kept walking. She knew that kids were dumb but they weren't allowed to touch her best friend. She may have been a little protective over her friends..
A few more kids walked passed Patrick and he just sighed. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No but we just figured we would play smear the queer." (God I hate whoever came up with this game so much!) A boy replied and shoved Patrick into a garbage can, causing him to fall over and land in it head first.
He wasn't the tallest male his age, he got out quickly enough though and Jesse gave him a concerned look as the boy walked away. "Patrick are you okay?!"
He just nodded in return and sighed softly. "I-is it wrong..? To like my own gender I mean...I don't get why everyone hates me for it."
Jesse sighed and pulled him into a hug. Of course he hugged back with a quickness and they stayed there for a few moments.
"They're just jerks. You're so much better than they'll ever be." Jesse said soothingly and grabbed his hand. With that they started walking to her house again quietly.

I'm truly sorry if this chapter sucks. This is only my first book, but I hope you guys like it. Please vote, comment, and give me some advice if you have any. And no I don't mean dating advice. I love you guys and thanks for reading this. Buh Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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