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A few nights later, Tala found herself walking with Adanaya, Dorian and Cassandra through a forest. Adanaya had chosen the three to accompany her on this adventure into Ferelden or more specifically: into Frostback Basin, where Tala's greatest fear was soon to come to fruition. "Oh those are some tall ass trees." Tala spoking looking straight up as they stopped for a mid-day break. "Please tell me we won't have to climb up those things." She said as she climbed down from a root that was taller then she was.

"Hopefully not." Adanaya frowned as Tala leapt down to her side, sticking to a crouch after she landed. "Let's just get to the area that I can mark for a camp where we will at least be able to speak to people."

"So long as you remember not to look down, everything should be fine," Dorian commented as Tala stood and walked by him.

"Says the Mage who doubles as both a Necromancer and a healer." Tala huffed as she went over to Cassandra who was studying a map. They talked the map over and soon after setting out found a suitable spot for the Inquisition base camp. They would leave the next day but after the camp was set up they were surprised to see Leliana, Cullen, and Josephine show up.

"Where did Tala go?" Adanaya asked as she walked with them around the base camp.

Cassandra spoke up as they were passing her. "She was over by Scout Harding last I saw her." When they went to go see if that was still true, they saw that Tala was indeed talking with the dwarf and as they drew closer, tala's voice echoed to them.

"...What I don't understand is why treehouses? Granted I understand that the wildlife is not very nice, hell I can be ten times as mean as any living thing out there on a bad day, but while there are some advantages to having treehouses there are also some major disadvantages such as..." Tala spoke for several minutes and Scout Harding nodded.

"You make some pretty good points, Lady Tala." Harding agreed. "But this is what the Commander wants to be done. Speaking of, Good evening Commander, Lady Leliana, lady Josephine and Inquisitor." Harding greeted the four as they finished their approach, but Tala didn't seem phased by their approach as she focused on the plans for what Cullen wanted done for the camp. Harding was dismissed and Tala spoke up as they turned to her to see that she had moved to look over a map.

"Adanaya, I am going to hate to say this but I am afraid that I will have to skip out on the rest of this little adventure you are having."

"Why?" Adanaya asked as Tala turned to face her finally.

"I was a wolf-shifter at one time remember? Heights and I do not mix well at all and from this map, there will be more than a few heights in this adventure for my taste."

"You're afraid of heights, yet when it comes to sailing on a ship you have no issues whatsoever..."

"Water I can swim in. Possible falling to my death from places that are a bit too high for my liking? I'll skip out on that." Tala informed her as Adanaya 'oh'ed and agreed to switch party members. "Now of you will excuse me, There is a particular plant I wish to get a closer look at, since our Avaar allies were so kind to provide me some more knowledge on it." With that Tala left them and Cullen wondered if it was just her fear of heights that was scaring her off from finishing this adventure. Soon enough business was concluded, which left Cullen free to do as he wished and so, he sought out Tala who he found was kneeling down and studying a plant of some kind. "There are so many different species of plants and animals out there in this world. Had someone told me that I would eventually find myself being so keenly interested in them I would have laughed and called them an idiot." She said as he approached.

"Even if I would have told you?"

"If you had, I would have shaken my head and walked away." Tala stood up and turned to him. "Before you ask, no its not just my fear of heights that is preventing me from finishing this adventure." Tala looked towards the right and studied a plant that suddenly caught her interest.

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