Chapter 9

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Chapter 9




As soon as the traffic light turned green I zoomed to where she passed, soon seeing her riding into a street that seemed really familiar.



This was Elizabeth’s street. Now I forgot which house was Nerdy’s.



She then zipped past the street to I don’t know where.



She stopped by Nerdy’s street, pausing to look at her house.



She paused. If she knew Nerdy, how could Nerdy not know her?





On the way home, zipping around in my bike, I ran my whole life inside my head. My past life before I went all kind of like Hannah Montana and the recent events in life.

Just as I stopped by the sidewalk, in front of my house, I realized I needed more time to think.

And I felt like someone was watching me.

Stalker much?

Considering my need to be one with my thoughts for a little more, and to be sure if someone was creeping on me or if I’ve drank too much to make me hallucinate; I took a turn out the street and around the neighborhood.

After a few minutes of thinking, I ran back to the house, parked my bike in, and retired to my room, that is, after grabbing myself a bottle of water.

As I walked up the small flight of stairs, shrugging my jacket off, I then remembered something I have neither touched nor thought about in awhile.

I hurried back down the stairs and went down to the living room.

I moved the single couch aside, lifting up the carpet’s edge, just enough to reveal a secret compartment .

I kneeled down, opening that compartment, revealing the only thing that was in there.

The School Nerd's Secret (on hold and currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now