Chapter One

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The young tom crouches near the small dove, waiting for the perfect moment. The dove moves closer to him and he launches himself at the dove, landing on it and breaking its neck with a bite. "Another piece of prey." He mutters. He can't wait to give these prey to his father, so he can show him and make him proud. He drops the prey on the pile of prey he has made. He picks up the prey and starts to walk back to where Bloodclans camp is. He looks around the camp. His father doesn't seem to be here. He walks to where his trainer, Wound, is sitting. He drops the prey in front of him and steps back, his head down. He found out the hard way that he must not look him in the eye, unless he wants to loose one. He almost lost his left eye, leaving a huge scratch across his eye. Wound sniffs the prey and then snarls at him.

"You could have done better, Blood. Get out of my sight." He snarls.

Blood nods and turns, walking away to where he normally slept. He lyes down. He feels a pelt next to him and looks over, as Fierce, his brother, lies down next to him. Fierce is just the spare, not liked by his father at all. Fierce is apparently too kind. But their father could not separate the brotherly bond that makes them best of friends. Their father hates that Fierce spends so much time with 'The eldest and strongest', Blood. That's why Blood was named after Bloodclan, while Fierce was named about a moon after birth. He loves his brother anyway and will do anything to help him. Blood loves his brother as well and he tries to protect his baby brother, as he calls him. Fierce takes the brunt of their fathers rage when they do something wrong. Dark never blames Blood. If the two could say 'It's not fair' without being threatened to have their tongue ripped out, they would have a thousand times. Blood smiles at his brother.

"How was training with Jake?"

Jake is a cat in Bloodclan. He is a grumpy old cat, but under that grumpy exterior, he's very kind and loves the company of the two brothers. Fierce is currently training with Jake because Jake has the best herb knowledge. He hates to fight and rather heal. Another reason why Dark hates him. Fierce looks up at his brother. Quite small for his age, Fierce is. Quite like his ansestor, Scourge.

"It was ok. If you count me confusing Goldenrod with Thyme."

"Really? After six moons of training you still get them confused?"

"Shut it Blood, I don't see you trying to figure out what herbs you need."

"Oh yes. How about poppy seeds for pain and cobwebs for injuries. I know what they are."

"Oh, then. What is the Diffrence between Foxglove and Poppy Seeds?"


"Exactly. Poppy Seeds are larger and come from poppies while Foxglove Seeds are tiny and are browner."

"You should try to hunt for once. Maybe Dark will finally like you."

"I don't need Dark's praise. Tell ya what. I'll give you some herbs in exchange for you hunting all the rats around. Dark told me to but I can't hunt."

"Sure." With that, Blood got up and started walking away. He crouches  down as a rat ran past and kills it, placing it next to Fierce. He then caught more until the pile was full. "There, you can tell Dark you hunted them."

"He wouldn't believe me."

"I know. But you have to try."

"I hate him. Why doesn't he just go and stick his head up a horses-"


"I better go, Dark sounds angry."

"He's always angry."

Blood snorts and gets up. He walks towards his father, who is currently staring at him with his brownish red eyes, which Blood inherited. Blood stood in front of his father before looking up. "Yes father?"

"That's enough of that. I have a job for you."

"What is it father?"

"I want you to go to the clans."

"What!? They are mangy creatures!"

"Don't tell me that, I know. Now go to the clans, get information, make them trust you then kill the leader."


"None of this nonsense! Get out of here NOW!

"Fine, I'll go."
Dark stood and walked back towards where his brother is. "I got to go to the clans, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For leaving you."

"Doesn't matter. Have fun."

"Was that Sarcasm?"


Blood rolls his eyes and walks over to where the fence meets the forest. His first mission. His red collar rubs at his skin annoyingly. He walks into the forest and takes a deep breath. This is it. Finally he could get the pride from his father.

He walked into the forest, not looking back.

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