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He was surrounded by a group of people, all waiting to be introduced. They buzzed with excitement over the new boy. He was looking around talking to the people who trapped him in this human cage. He looked up, and we made eye contact. I blushed. Why did I blush? I didn't even know this boy, I had no reason to blush. He turned his head slightly to the left and said something to the boy he was chatting with, and starting pushing through the crowd towards me. I turned around and sucked in my breath. Why was he coming over here?


I let out my breath with a start, and whipped around.

"Uh... HI."

"Your name is Sydney, right? I remember you from the hospital."

"Yeah, I remember you... Why are you here?"

"I go to school here now."



"Why would you come so late in the year?"

"I moved here from Albany with my mom."

"Why now?"

"We switched hospitals. My mom has a lung tumor, and the cancer is spreading... The hospital where she is now has better treatment.'

"Oh... I'm... I'm sorry.... I didn't..."

"It's fine. Anyway, my name is Trey."

"Okay, Trey. My name is Sydney... but you already knew that I guess."

"I was wondering if you could take me to my first class... AP Chemistry?"

"Yeah, that's my first also... just follow me."

I slammed my locker closed and walked to the stairwell. I could feel his presence behind me. Trey, huh? I kept on thinking about him all day. I hoped I would see him at the hospital.

Falling Too HardWhere stories live. Discover now