Read My Fortune

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burette (AFF)

  In which Hwiyoung visits the fortune telling booth run by Taeyang during a school festival. Prior to that, they have ran into each other twice. What will Hwiyoung's fortune be like? 


He did not come to get his fortune told ... again – for the third time!

Hwiyoung stared dumbly at the temporary constructed tent with a big sign in red words which screamed "Fortune Telling Service".

Today was the last day of the college festival. The fortune telling booth was just one of the many games, activities and performances of the annual three-day event. Hwiyoung had been coming to get his fortune read for the last two days.

He was mortified at the thought of having his fortune told a third time.

I'm not here because there is a hot guy with a megawatt smile and deep piercing gaze in there telling my fortune. I'm not some crazy guy trying to stalk him.

I'm just here because I'm curious about my future and I just happen to forget to ask all the important questions in one go.

After all, his prediction was accurate. It actually did come true the same evening after the first session!

Maybe he could tell me how well I will do in my studies...or in my career... that will be good to know.

Or maybe I should just leave. Since I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I shouldn't be superstitious, and let the big guys take charge.

Just as Hwiyoung was about to turn around to head off, he felt a sudden force push him forward.

(Actually it was Hwiyoung himself who subconsciously took two long strides forward and nearly tripped on himself.)

Maybe this is God's sign and permission that I should have my fortune told after all.

Just then two girls brushed past him pushing him one step forward. He heard them muttering that the fortune telling service will end earlier today in about an hour's time.

He quickened his pace to join the queue. Fortunately, there were no more than six people ahead of him. He sighed in relief. So he should be able to meet with the fortune teller to ogle the fortune teller's handsome face to get his fortune told.

"Can't wait to get my fortune told by Yoo Taeyang sunbae-nim," one of the girls giggled excitedly. "I heard he's accurate with his predictions."

"Who cares about that? It's not like I want to know my future. As long I can bask in his handsomeness in the present. His handsomeness blinds me. I think I need to wear sunglasses," the other girl replied.

Hwiyoung rolled his eyes at the lame joke and superficial comment. Of course, the future is more important than the present.

I'm here because I want to know about my future!


Hwiyoung gazed blankly at the campus map. It did not help that he was running late for the freshmen orientation, he was bad at directions, and he wanted to conserve whatever low remaining charge he had in his handphone battery by resisting the urge to resort to Google or Naver maps. His mind was in a whirl as he studied the map and attempted to map out the route to his destination when he heard a boyish voice.

"Are you lost? Do you need any help?"

Hwiyoung turned his attention to the voice. It was a male who was about Hwiyoung's age. He was dressed comfortably in a simple dark coloured print tee with a faded pair of light blue jeans that were neatly folded up at the legs and a pair of high top black Converse. His hair was lightly tousled. He had bright, sparkly eyes, a sharp looking face, and a broad, blinding smile.

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