Unusual of You

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  In the course of two-long-year relation, Youngkyun was the one who can be labeled as the less affectionate person in their relationship. It was usually Taeyang who initiates skinships and cheesy things and he doesn't mind Youngkyun to have the receiving end. But it surprises Taeyang one day to be opening a door to a Youngkyun hugging him as a welcome and a tad bit more when the younger backhugged him while he was cooking. It might be unusual yet Taeyang still loves it anyway. 


Taeyang wakes up to the blaring of his alarm, his arm stretching to his bedside table to tap onto his alarm clock. To his dismay, it wasn't vibrating or ringing at all telling him that the culprit was his phone which was only inches away from his reach. He takes his time blinking his eyes a multiple times and clearing their edges of sleep. His phone still rings and he picks it up, about to stop his alarm when he reads the text currently displayed on the device.


His eyes widened as his brain registers of the situation and commands him to answer it immediately before he'll turn into a dead meat. His thumb swipes the green button and Youngkyun's voice can be heard in the room as he puts it on loudspeaker.

"Good morning, hyung." Taeyang smiles to himself, hearing the sweet voice of his lover. He clears his throat to act as if he has not woken up just a few minutes earlier.

"Hey, Kyun." He prays that the other wouldn't sense he just got out of bed.

"Sorry for interrupting your sleep." Taeyang is a failure, totally. "No it's fine actually. But isn't it a bit early for you though? It's Saturday today." Taeyang speaks a matter of factly earning him a cute giggle from the other. Taeyang was already out of bed and fixing it when he hears the younger's reply.

"Nothing in particular. Can you...uhh..." Taeyang places the phone in the crook of his neck and relies on his shoulder blade to support the phone as he finishes fixing his bed and tidying up his room. He holds the phone with his hand again as he walks his way towards his bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Go there in your house today and cook you breakfast?" He shoots a guess as he takes in how long his partner has remained silent and unable to form the words, probably too shy. He grins the moment he hears an embarrassed hum of agreement from the other as he pushes the toothpaste lightly to put it on his toothbrush. He mumbles a 'bye' to the other line hoping it would be loud enough to be heard before he ends their call and proceeds to prepare himself for his upcoming visit.

Taeyang gets off the taxi, paid his bill and told the driver to keep the change as he pushes shut the vehicle's door. He trudges his way to the building where Youngkyun's apartment was located, where he shares it with their mutual friend Seokwoo. Youngkyun's apartment is in the 3rd floor of the building and is just a ten-minute drive away from Taeyang's flat. Despite of their two-year long relationship, Taeyang can't allow Youngkyun to move in with him not because he doesn't like to but because he still has a year left for college whilst Taeyang has graduated not so recently from the same university that Youngkyun is in.

He types in the code and the door dings signaling it's open. He turns the knob and pushes the door open only to be welcomed by a Youngkyun running towards his direction with arms with open. He does the same act of opening his arms to receive the hug and reciprocate it. Although it's quite new to Taeyang how eager Youngkyun is of his arrival, and maybe it's just because he's already hungry, he appreciates the small yet warm gesture of the other.

"Guess your stomach is hungry, huh? Where's Seokwoo anyway?" He asks as they both broke away from the embrace and he ruffles the other's now brunette hair before he takes off his fluffy coat and place it on the coat hangers. Taeyang was left by the doorway to remove his shoes as Youngkyun has already travelled to the kitchen, preparing the necessities.

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