Chapter 6

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Dantheman27: hey wanna meet up?

Me and Madison looked at each other. Elizabeth was still in the corner dying of laughter.

HelloImBored22: Sure! Where do ya live?

We acted as if we didn't know.

Dantheman27: I live in London, England. What about you?

We didn't know if we should actually say. But we did live rather close. We all lived in Manchester. So we decided to ask him if we should meet up.

HelloImBored22: YES! Manchester is where I live. Along with my friends. Can they come too?

I was a little worried about the response.

Dantheman27: That's perfectly fine!

We were relieved.

Dan then said:

Dantheman27: Okay!! We should meet by the little water fountain in the park.

HelloImBored22: Okay then! Tomorrow?

Dantheman27: Okay!! Ttyl. Taking a shower. Byes

HelloImBored22: Okay. Bye!

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