Cookies x Reader

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~2nd POV~


Your alarm clock was very loud, and quite annoying too, but it was needed, for today was your job interview at the local bakery.

You accidentally slammed your hand on the 'OFF' button, getting very close to breaking it. You sighed, and in time you eventually got up and dressed. You didn't go and do your normal bathroom routine yet, as eating after you brushed your teeth isn't the most desirable flavour.

After eating your chosen breakfast, and cleaning up afterwards of course, you finished up your routine of brushing your teeth, doing your hair, and everything else you needed to do before heading out to your interview.

The interview went great, although the person who interviewed you, Ms. Balmones, was a bit weird.

Going home, you decided to pick up a dozen cookies while you were at the bakery.

Carefully, you set the cookies down on the floor near the passenger seat. You knew that if you set them directly on the passenger's  seat, the poor cookies would fall and break apart into tinier pieces.

'Home at last,' you thought to yourself, as you relaxed on your couch. Looking at the cookie box on your left, you reached out to them. They seemed... Just so... Amazing. It was like you needed them in your body right at that moment. Nothing could replace the cookie that was now in your hand as you sat up straight.

You were suddenly happy to have bought that dozen cookies.

Slowly, your hand inched closer to your mouth. Closer and closer.

Soon, you felt the crumbly texture of the cookie reach your mouth. The taste of the cookie blasted into your mouth and immediately, you felt pleasure. The pleasure was so immense that you moaned ungodly loud. It was the loudest thing you've ever produced from your vocal cords.

In a matter of exactly forty-eight minutes of sexily licking and eating your cookies, you suddenly realized that not only there were no cookies left, but there was a loud bang on the door.

"Are you ok in there?"

You must've been too loud.

"Yeah I'm good."

"Ok, just wanted to check."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, goodbye."

And you wished that you didn't finish all the cookies.

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