July 25, 1944

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(Warning: yes I know women didn't fight in ww2 on the US side but this is a story of fiction )

Walking on to the camp felt so surreal. I, of course, I got strange looks and comments as I was 1 if not the only woman in fatigues. "You lost?" One of the men asks as he stomped out his cigarette. "I'm looking for Lieutenant Turner." I respond "should be in his tent in the middle of camp." the man says I thank him and head that way. As I walk up to the tent I saw a man storm out. I slowly make my way into the tent. "Turner?" I question walking in "Ah, Veronica Armstrong aren't you a sight for sore eyes." he chuckles standing up. Turner along with Colonel Davis are the entire reason I'm here. Vouching for me, after hearing how I'd snuck into the male boot camp masquerading as a man and passed every level of training with the highest honor...only to be kicked out when one of my bunkmates walked in on me changing and reported me... but Colonel Davis and Lieutenant Turner thought that was a load of shit and insisted I join their first Platoon. "Where's your gear?" Turner questions looking me over. Seeing that all I had on me was a pistol that I'd brought with me. "They didn't believe me said they needed to hear from you or Davis," I explain as we leave the tent. "I'll introduce you to some of the boys you'll be fighting with then I'll get this all sorted out." He assures me as we walk across the camp to a group of 3 men sitting in an open tent as we walk in all eyes land on me. "Boys this is Veronica Armstrong, she will be joining the first platoon, she graduated top of her boot camp back home, I want you to treat her like one of your own no higher or lower than any other Private if any of you boys have a problem with that speak now." Turner's voice booms. All four men stay silent. "That's what I thought, now I'm gonna go get this gear thing sorted out, you get acquainted," Turner says looking to me before leaving.

"You boys talk?" I ask as they still stayed quiet. "Yeah sorry, this is Daniels and Aiello." One of them finally spoke up. "And you are?" I ask taking the empty seat next to Aiello looking to the Man who had introduced everyone. "Stiles." he quickly responds "there would normally be 4 of us but Zussman is recovering from a stab wound at the moment, hopefully, he'll be back for the next mission," Daniels explains

"So Armstrong where you from?" Stiles asks trying to strike up a conversation. "Queens, New York," I reply proudly. "Oh Christ." he groans as Aiello's eyes lit up. "I knew it. I could tell by the accent." Aiello comments "You queens too?" I ask "born and raised." he replies proudly "Well from one New Yorker to another you mind sharing a pack of smokes till I get my gear?" I ask "You don't have your gear yet?" Daniels asks as Aiello hands me his smokes and a lighter. "Nope, jackass on the truck didn't believe me, even showed him my paperwork and everything." I groan taking a drag off the lucky strike.

As Stiles dealt me into their card game a man walks into the tent the same one I'd seen storming out of Turner's tent when I got here. "I'm lookin' for Armstrong and Aiello!" the man snaps "present sir." we both say quickly standing up. He rolls his eyes before opening his mouth again. "Come on Turner got your gear sorted, Aiello accompany Armstrong to the mail tent. The two of us left not speaking until we were out of earshot of the tent. "That's Pierson...he's certified in busting our chops 24/7" Aiello explains. "yeah, Turner warned me about him," I reply

"So you got any family waiting for you back home? Aiello asks changing the subject. "Yeah, two younger brothers and my mom." I respond. "how old are your brothers?" He asks "4 and 6" I reply as we get to the tent. "Bet they are proud of their big sister." He smirks nudging me. "Oh, you bet." I chuckle walking into the mail tent where Turner stood holding my helmet and gear pack. "here the boys apologize for keeping your things hostage." Turner says tossing me the helmet. "honest mistake" I shrug putting the pack on. "now go get some rest Aiello will show you to the bunks, tomorrow you hit the field." Turner informs me as I leave following Aiello.

[The following day]

"What about Louis versus Sugar Ray Robinson," Aiello says throwing another competitor into our hypothetical boxing match. "If we're talkin' 1938 Robinson wins hands down." a man buts in as he walks up noticing the guy Daniels gets up from where he sat pulling the man into a quick hug. "Ayy look who came back for more." Aiello jokes "thought you were out for another week." Daniels asks the Man "not after I heard a bunch of tough SOBs were about to take Marigny." The man smirks "well the playbook's working. This rate we'll be home by Christmas." Aiello tells him. "sounds like a plan" the man chuckles "I'm guessin' you're" -" "Ronnie Armstrong guessing your Zussman." I say finishing his thought putting my hand out for a handshake. "Yes ma'am, Turner told me about you" he smirks shaking my hand. "Alright now don't just stand there. Let's see" Aiello beckons Zussman. "alright" Zussman smirks taking his pack off. Lifting up his shirt a bit to show off his scar. "not bad eh" he smirks "glad to have you back private" Turner says walking up Zussman quickly pulls his shirt back down "good to be back, sir." Zussman responds before Turner and Pierson start debriefing us

<three weeks after>

I have to say I'm insanely grateful for these guys treating me like one of their own since I got here. My biggest worry about taking Turner's offer was that I was gonna feel like a burden being the only woman on the team. But I haven't felt that once. Aiello, Stiles, and Daniels have become brothers to me and Zuss has become my best friend, of course, I have to share him with Daniels but it's no big deal.

"Mail call!" Stiles shouts walking into the bunks with a basket of mail. "anything for Armstrong?" I ask sitting on the edge of my cot. "two letters for miss Armstrong." He says tossing me two letters as Zuss sits down on his cot next to me I rip open the first letter. "letter's from the rugrats?" Aiello asks jokingly referring to my younger brothers "looks like." I smile looking over the letter

"Heh, Micheal took first place in the spelling bee at his school and mama is considering letting James join the baseball team next spring." I read off "Sounds like it's lookin' up back home." Daniels says walking into the tent. "Guessin' door number 2 is my bad news then." I sigh ripping open the 2nd letter "goddammit" I mumble looking over the letter it was from my boyfriend back home...I didn't tell him what I was doing just that I was going off to school for a few years, the letter was informing me that he was leaving me...didn't give a reason. "You mind if I?" Zuss asks I sigh handing him the letter "tough break, sorry Ronnie" Aiello says reading over Zussman's shoulder "But how'd he know to send it here if he didn't know you were here?" Zuss asks handing me the letter back. "Guessin' Mama finally broke down and told him where I really went off to..." I assume "Come on guys let's give her a little room." Daniels says ushering the guys out of the tent. Once they were gone I looked down at my boots letting out a heavy sigh.

I look up a little as the tent opens up again revealing Zussman. "You gonna be alright?" he asks standing in front of me. "Yeah, I'll get over it," I assure him as I wipe away a few tears that had escaped. "Hey think about it you still got us." he smirks, "I thought you were supposed to be cheering me up." I smirked looking up at him "Oh that's just rude." he chuckles as I stand up pulling him into a quick hug. "Come on dinner bell just rang, might wanna get there before it's all gone." he says "I don't think we should be too worried about it all being gone with the shit they feed us." I joke as we leave the tent. 

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