Spider Son

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In this fan fiction Peter Parker and Tony Stark have a kind of father/son bonding moment. It is based on Spider-Man Homecoming because I love it but the Vulture had broken out of prison and spoilers obviously. It is told in the point of view of Tony. Enjoy! :3

Today I had to go to a ton of meetings and it was excruciatingly boring. I wanted nothing more than to just go home and work on something but no, I had to sit in a room with a bunch of lame businessmen for like five hours. Needless to say, I was relieved to get a phone call saying that I was needed elsewhere immediately. That didn't last long however.

After exiting the room I was greeted by an unhappy looking Happy (lol) so I had to get serious.

"Happy, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Yes, Tony, it's... it's the kid. He's hurt really badly and he's in the hospital," he responded. How? What could hurt him so badly? Who would do something like put him in the hospital? Thoughts raced through my mind as I was led to the limo but there was one thing I was sure of, I had to get to Peter. I stepped into the car and we took off.

"Happy, what happened?" I needed to know.

Initiating Flashback Sir (third person for flashbacks)

Peter had gotten to school and was talking to Ned about Star Wars (I heard the new movie was cool) when his spider sense went off like crazy but it was too late. The Vulture crashed through the window to the side of the classroom, sending glass everywhere. Peter then pushed Ned away as the Vulture rushed toward him. Flash began to scream like a little girl and everyone ran away. Peter tried to run to but the Vulture caught him.

"Peter Parker, it's been a long time," he said with the creepy evil guy voice that the villains have. "It's finally time that you get what you deserve." Peter struggled to get free while still trying not to use his full strength, still didn't want to reveal his secret as a lot of people were still there. Vulture saw this opportunity and continued his attack, Peter would not fight back. He was cut, bruised, beaten, and broken. Police officers were finally able to stop him, but not before Peter was in critical condition. He was immediately taken to the hospital.

Flashback is now over and Tony made it to the hospital

I jump out of the car and rush into the hospital. Happy is trailing behind me.The receptionist looked very surprised to see me as I approached her.

"I need to see Peter Parker, where is he?" I ask urgently and she looks onto the computer.

"Um, uh, y-yes sir. Well, Peter Parker was in critical condition an hour ago but he's stable now. Visitors are welcome into his room now but there already the maximum of three people in there-" she began to stutter.

"I don't care if there's the maximum visitors in there, JUST TELL ME WHAT ROOM HE'S IN!" I began to get very impatient.

"Uh, y-yes s-sir, r-room 168B," she stuttered even more but I was already gone. Up in front of his room, I hesitated for a second before I slowly opened the door. Inside there were three people inside and they turned toward me when I opened the door. There was Peter's Aunt May, his friend Ned, and that girl he was always talking about Liz. Then I turned and saw Peter and I rushed next to him.

"Peter! Is he okay? What's broken? How is he now? Will he be alright?" I was firing off questions at May and she looked incredibly shocked. I looked over him, "When is he supposed to wake up?"

"Well, Mr. Stark, the doctors don't know when he will wake up. They think he might be in a coma," May said. She looked close to tears, but then I looked back at Peter.

"Jeez Pete, when will you stay out of trouble. You made your aunt cry, so just wake up already so I could give you a long lecture about responsibility and what not," at some point Happy got the other people out of the room so it was just me, May, and the unconscious Peter. "Come on Peter, I know that your going to be fine, your going to wake up, heal, and be perfectly fine in the end." I was honestly now almost crying, it was a strange feeling. To be so sad and so worried about the well being of someone else. "Come on Peter, wake up!" I shook his arm.

May was about to say something when Peter began to stir. I grabbed his shoulder, "Peter! Peter wake up!" He opened his eyes with quite a bit of effort and I thought he would fall asleep again.

"M-Mr. S-Stark? What are you doing here?" He asked, "Where is here..."

"KID YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK! YOUR IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU WERE IN CRITICAL CONDITION!" I couldn't help myself, I hugged him. "You need to be more careful Peter, I cannot have you dying, you do not know what that would do to me."

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark, I didn't mean to get hurt," he hugged me back, hesitantly at first, "I'll be more careful next time I promise." We let go and I turned to May. She looked shocked to say the least and I got up from the side of the hospital bed.

"Now spend time with your aunt May, your friends are outside, Ned and that girl Liz you never stop talking about," He smiled at that, "We will meet up later and were going to have a long talk." As I walked out I saw him make a face that said 'I am in so much trouble'.

He ended up being fine and he was a lot more careful after that. Everyone thought that the vulture attacked him because he went out with his daughter which didn't make Liz feel very good. She felt horrible about what happened and did what she could to help Peter. Now I make sure to know everything he's doing and make sure he stayed out of trouble. He was basically my spider son after all.

1043 words and I think it's pretty good. (not really but meh) took about an hour to wright, didn't have a plan and it was a go with the flow type story. Anyway, let me know what you think or what I should right another one shot about. I'm in the process of making a Danny Phantom/Supernatural cross over so... yeah. Anywho, see ya dudes later.

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