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I have really bad trust issues, and especially when it comes to boys. I was a kind of an aloner as a teenager because all of the boys thought I was a freak. But when Lucas finally started to talk to me some of his friends started to accept me for who I was, but I'm still very careful of who I choose to be with.

My dad's car was standing by the parking lots and I started to walk towards it.

"Thanks for picking me up, it sucks to not have a car" I said and jumped into the passenger seat.

"I would love to let you drive my car if you asked me" he smiled.

"Thanks for telling me this now" I said and giggled at his expression.

"So...I know I sound very annoying but are you going to accept the job?"

I sighed. I knew he was going to ask that.

"I don't know, it's a big change in my life to move back here again" I said.

He nodded. I knew he wanted me to accept it as he were looking really disappointed, but it was my decision not his.

I bite the inside of my cheek before saying "I'm going to take it, if you promise me to borrow your car everyday"

His face turned from grumpy to happy within seconds and his smile was like pasted on his face.

"Are you sure? This is wonderful news!" He said.

"Yeah, I really need to make money on my own"

"I've been working on to get you this interview for years, I'm so happy you're taking it" he said and smiled.

"For years?" I said and arched a brow as I looked over at him.

"Yeah, but then you decided to move to New York and the chance was gone with the wind. But then Marty said that they needed some new assistants and he offered you a chance to go to an interview before everyone else"

"You did all this for me?" I said.

"Yes, I want you to be a successful woman as you said you wanted to be, and as you promised Amy"

I smiled, really big this time. I picked up my phone and the card Harry gave me yesterday.

"I'll call him right away and tell him that I'll accept the job"

"That's perfect pumpkin"

I looked at the white paper card and typed in his number on my phone.


"Hey, it's Samatha Brown. I just wanted to say that I'm going to accept the job offer" my voice was kind of shaky, but I was kind of nervous because I've just made a whole new chapter in my life.

"Okay, you'll start to work tomorrow at 8am, don't be late. Debby will show you your new office and I'll get there and give you your instructions" he said with a raspy voice.

"I'll be there in time, thank you" I said and twisted a curls between my fingers.

"Good, see you tomorrow Miss brown"

"Goodbye Mr. Styles" I could almost hear him smirk behind the phone when I declined the call. I could now finally draw a line over my 'to do list' I've finally got a job.

"I'm staring tomorrow" I said and looked over at my dad.

"Already? That's amazing Sam" dad said and pinched my cheek.

"Dad stop it" I giggled and pushed away his hand.

"You and Lucas can live with us until you've find your own apartment"

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