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    Moving to Hawkins, Indiana was not something Y/N was prepared for. It was bland, quiet, and... eerie. She could feel eyes on her every second of the day. Her head was constantly looking over her shoulder. She pushed it off, it had to have been the move. She had a little less than a week to pack and say goodbye to her friends. It's not very fun to be 17 and thrown into a new life. There wasn't tons of cars, or tall buildings with bright lights in Hawkins, unlike New York. Y/N missed the city and was sure as hell moving back to it as soon as school ended. She only had one year of school left, then it was off to college. 

       Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she placed 3 quarters on the counter and shivered as the intense cold from her coke radiated into her palm. She blindly placed the change into her back pocket and stepped out into the cold. Her dark, leather jacket fought against the biting feeling in the air, and she realized her thin sweater underneath wasn't the best idea. Her dark boots clacked against the pavement as she began walking in a random direction, hoping to find something fun.

         She took a small gulp of the sweet soda and cringed as she swallowed, a cold feeling settling into her gut. Suddenly, a hard thud and a groan came from behind her. She spun around, eyes narrowed. With her lips pursed she tilted her head and took a single step forward. Taking a large gulp from the glass bottle in her hand, she noticed how little she had been paying attention and how much of it she had already drunk. She sucked her teeth and was about to turn back around when she heard a similar sound, from an alley next to the small drugstore. This happened a lot where she used to live, and the knife in her pocket seemed smaller than it actually was as she walked towards the source of the familiar sounds.

       She stepped into the alley and noticed a tall, brown-haired boy with tons of freckles pinning another against the wall and a shorter, auburn-haired girl trying to stifle her laughter while she leaned on the bright blue car behind her. The boy struggling against the taller one had curly hair, and what sounded like a heavy lisp. A red, white, and blue trucker hat sat at their feet. Y/N glared, placing her hand on her hip and pursing her lips at the sound of the girl obnoxiously chewing her gum. Words found themselves pushing out of her throat before she could stop them.

      "Get off of him asshole! I'm not asking again." Y/N's teeth ground together as all 3 of their heads snapped towards her. The girl stood up straighter, pushing a stray piece of hair out of her face and looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.

      "Look what we have here buddy. You got a girlfriend you didn't tell us about?" The boy's voice made Y/N's skin crawl, and she rolled her eyes. Y/N stepped towards him and the girl was quick to get up off the car, making it seem like she could actually be able to do something.

       "Great job getting off your ass! But come on dude, now it's an order." Y/N's voice got deeper, and she could see the slowly crumbling stance of the girl. She gulped and pushed her chin up and crossing her arms. The freckled teenager made a joke about the younger one's voice, and then another, about something Y/N hadn't heard of, before she really got tired. The almost empty bottle shattered with a satisfying sound as it connected with the tall boy's skull. She faintly heard the girl scream and felt her hand grab your hair before you spun around, grabbing her wrist and twisting as far as it could go without really breaking it.

      "Fucking Leave." The words barely made it out of Y/N's mouth before she was helping the boy up. He was groaning and holding the back of his head. He's gotta be the fucking terminator if he wasn't passed out. The girl dropped him in the passenger's seat and ran over, sliding in front of the wheel. She shot Y/N a hard glare before turning the car on, it's rumbling loud in the silent day, and sped off. Y/N turned towards the boy and opened her mouth but got cut off with a loud yell.

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