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"Admit it! Say it!"

"No! Wham will never be better than The Smiths!" Will's hands continued to dig into Y/N's sides, his nimble fingers spanning over the expanse her ribs. Her laughter radiated through the room, and through the rest of Will's house. A deep screech came next, and a loud thud as Will hit the floor. He groaned and laughed, turning onto his stomach and pushing himself up off the floor. Gasping and choked breaths came from Y/N, her mouth still formed in a smile, but she had too much laughter to get out. She looked up at his form when he stood to his full height, and clamped her lips together, a tight smile on her face. A few puffs of air slipped past her lips, and she couldn't hold it in anymore as she burst out laughing, falling back onto the bed. She felt her boyfriend lay down on her, his hips bracketed by her legs and his head resting on her chest. She could feel him smiling as she calmed down, and she began running her hands through his hair. 

A lot had happened since Will had been used as a host, but she'd rather not think about it. Nights filled with mini demogorgons, screaming, and beating up Max's older brother for hitting Lucas. That was a turning point for Will actually. Hearing about Y/N running and pulling Billy off of Lucas, punching him hard in the face and driving a syringe into his neck made him see her in a different light. And hearing about Max's terrifying baseball bat threat spooked him too. There was no doubt that the girls were an important part of their once 4 person group. But as they got older, things changed. Will had a growth spurt at 14 and a half, causing his feet to hit the ground in the current position he's in with Y/N, and Dustin is a mini, in a way better acting, Steve. Things were different, but still the same.

A comfortable sigh escaped Will's lips, and he tilted his head to look at the relaxed features of his girlfriend. A click and bright flash came from the right, and both of their heads snapped towards the door. Jonathan stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face as the picture developed. Joyce stood behind him, and eyebrow raised and a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Moooommm! Jonathan! Stop!" Will's voice cut in, small laughs making their way out of his mouth. He jumped up, slid over the bed, and chased after his brother, who still held the picture high in the air. Joyce watched them, and then looked back at Y/N, raising her eyebrows and making small kissy noises. Y/N groaned and covered her rapidly coloring face with her hands, rolling onto her stomach and laughing. She pushed herself up and off the bed, and smoothed out her clothes.

"I'm making dinner!" she said, grabbing the dish towel out of Joyce's hands. Joyce laughed and muttered an affirmative, and Y/N made her way to the kitchen. Will and Jonathan were wrestling in the living room, Jonathan's travel bag in the corner, NYU displayed on the front in a dark purple color. Y/N walked into the kitchen and began making dinner. She didn't mention the new picture displayed on Will's wall the next time she came over.


Sorry it took so long! I kept forgetting to upload it! I hope you like it and MERRY CHRISTMAS MUTHAFUCKAAAASSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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