Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Alphonsians of the World! <3

This is the 3rd edited chapter, and I'm feeling real good! There shall be more Moe-Overloads (Moe means extremely adorable), and lots of fangirl attacks. I will also make the concept of the reader's past less messy, and more organized this time. Chapter 3 has been edited as of August 11th, 2014. I also apologize if you guys don't find the backstory sort of came from the top of my head...



The next morning, I sigh and set down the book I've been reading. I think I may have finished it several times before, but as a mechanic, Winry doesn't have the widest of library selection. I often find myself creating my own stories inside my head.

Brother was still asleep, so, as quietly as I could (not very quiet, by the way), I walk downstairs into the kitchen. When I see [y/n] in there, I stop dead in my tracks. I couldn't help it; I never was the most smooth around her.

"Good morning!" she greets brightly, [h/c] hair shimmering in the early sunlight. It created the most beautiful halo around her amazing face. Beautiful-and perfectly appropriate. She was nothing less of an angel to me.

"G-good m-m-morning...." I stammer, sounding like a bumbling idiot. [y/n] smiles and tucks a peice of her hair behind her ear, eyes sparkling with the light they've caught. She was too perfect. Far too perfect for someone like me.

"How'd you sleep?" she asks me, actually sounding geniunely concerned. Even if I was unable to sleep, it was nice to know that someone cared.

"Uh, good," I mumble, lying. I didn't want her to know that I couldn't sleep. Really, I didn't want her to know that I was nothing but empty.

"That's good," she smiles. "Um, where's your brother?" She looks around, as if he would appear out of nowhere. My heart sinks a bit.

"He's still sleeping," I sigh sadly, feeling slightly disappointed. All the girls went for Brother, and I could see why. Perhaps she was no different. I wish I could be more attractive sometimes.

"Good," she grins, catching me off guard. "Then we won't be disturbed?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stammer, starting to get a bit restless. If my heart were physical, it could explode right now. "Won't be.....disturbed?"

[y/n] nods with a light smirk, and stands from her chair. She waves for me to follow, and I awkwardly obey. I had to admit, I was sort of puzzled. What did she mean by 'disturbed'? I was even more confused when we came upon the lake.

Normally, when I come here, I'm alone and upset. But this time, [y/n] is with me...and I feel sort of hopeful. Hopeful for, I don't know. Maybe for some happiness. Some release. A break, from wallowing in my own self pity.

"We're here!" she says proudly, gesturing around. I smile, but it's not like she could see it. No matter how badly I wish she could. Maybe, if she saw my smile, she'd know how happy she really makes me feel.

"You enjoy the lake?" I inquire, surprised we could share one thing in common. Surprised, and stoked. When people find things in common, they become closer as friends. Though, maybe this is just wishful thinking.

"Yeah, I suppose," [y/n] shrugs. "I like to come here for thinking purposes."

"I do, too," I state. And it was true. Every time Brother and I fought, he could sure as heck find me out here. Every single time.

[y/n] smiles lightly as a bird comes and lands on her wrist. She holds it out and strokes it, then turns to me. Carefully, she sets it on my shoulder. I look at her skeptically as the bird ruffles his feathers angrily. Animals don't like me, no matter how much I adore them in turn.

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