| When You Became Official Official |

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- Promise rings or fiancées :)

🔥 N A T S U 🔥
- His birthday, you asked him and he said yes that he'd never leave you.

❄️ G R A Y ❄️
- Winter Solstice, he asked you if you'd love him forever and you said 'always'

💙 J E L L A L 💙
- Your birthday, he gave you promise rings

🦁 L O K E 🦁
- Valentines, he used a pick up line that brought a deep conversation and you promised eachother

⚡️ L A X U S ⚡️
- Christmas when he gave you a letter that promised his loyalty

🔧 G A J E E L 🔧
- New years , the first time you kissed after the annual I love you'S

🌟 S T I N G 🌟
- January 1st, saying his New Years resolution was to make you his fiancé, proposing that very day

🌑 R O G U E 🌑
- Midnight of your birthday, he promised you'd be eachoyhers shadows (not literally)

🌨 L Y O N 🌨
- The day you kissed a rock, your anniversary, you were teasing him so he handed you the ring and said "forever"

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