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ATTENTION - Just wanted to let you guys know I added one member to the cast and one song. So if you wanna go back and look at that you can. But if not, let's get on with the story.

The looks of being have immortal can have it's perks. Pluto for example always has hair that lights up when he gets mad. His eyes are a bright orange. And if you looked at them long enough, you could see flames within them. He was holding the title of Prince of the Underworld, everyone knew him. His personality consisted of sarcasm, attitude, his colorful words and even more. His heart isn't as cold as other people on the Isle. But his anger could scare even the strongest of villains or heroes.

I was on top of a building looking down at the people of the isle. I was currently waiting for my partner in crime to come so we could discuss the new gossip of the Isle. If there was one thing I loved about this run down place, it had to be the gossip.

I'm known for my ability of blackmail, persuasion and of course fear. Nothing happens on the Isle without me knowing, I have ears everywhere.

"Took you long enough." I spoke. I turned my head to see the girl in front of me. Freddie Facilier. The girl was captivating, she had the looks of a goddess. But don't be fooled, this beauty has a brain.

"Well I see you're on your A game today, I didn't even make a noise coming up." Freddie stated.

"When am I not on my A game."


The dangerous duo sat in silence until Freddie broke it."I heard that the sea three is coming to us with a offer." I rolled my eyes in response. Uma always tries to convince me and Freddie to join her pirate crew. But she never seem's to get the message.

"Again?" I sighed.

"I guess they can't take no for an answer." Freddie said with a laugh.

"I don't know why mortals are so hard headed." I groaned.

"Well moving on from that, I haven't done anything all day. Wanna do something?" Freddie questioned.

My frown started to form into a smirk."What do you want to do?"

Freddie threw a smirk right back my way."Cause havoc."

We both got up and started to go down the stairs of the building with smile on our faces. Once we made our way into the streets some of the civilians started to back away from us, the dangerous duo. Whenever you find us two together you know that something is about to go down.


They call me a menace
They say that I'm cursed
But somethin' about me is makin' 'em jealous
So listen and learn
I herd 'em like cattle
Cause I'm surrounded by cowards
And I don't give a fuck when I walk into battle
And that's why I got all the power


I'm where you wanna be
Ain't no one ahead of me
All of my enemies made a decision
It's better to follow me
I make no apologies
All of my sins I would repeat and I repeat
Cause I'ma be me 'til the death of me, oh yeah

I lit my hands on fire and dragged them across a fruit stand, which caused the stand to light on fire. While Freddie pick pocketed a random guy and ran off with a couple of bills in her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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