Mystery at Medow Gate Hill

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"Mom can you please hurry up?"

"Calm down Belle! I'll be a minute."

"Well can you hurry I want to unpack my stuff to put it in the new house and in my new room."

"Ok...Ok...Im coming. I didn't know that you were that excited to move?" Mom said while walking to the car and starting it and pulling it out of the driveway.

"Well I kinda am, but not really, I'll miss this place, I'll miss my friends, and I'll most defiantly miss my boyfriend!!"

"Oh please Belle it's not like you don't talk to him 24/7 and face time him."

"True...But it'll be different cause I won't see him at school."

"Well Belle I don't know what to tell you, your going I have to live without your boyfriend, but if all else fails you can always break up with him and have a relationship with someone at your new school."

"Mother are you crazy........well maybe that would be best, but I'm still going to talk to him to make sure that's the best thing, but I'll die if I do break up with him cause he has treated me like his princess!!"

"Belle this is your problem so you decide, if you want to have a 250 mile distance relationship then go ahead, but if you want to have a boyfriend that you can see EVERY DAY ALL DAY then go ahead don't let me decide for you."

"Ok thanks mom I think I know my answer!"

"Ok good I just hope that you chose the right decision."

"Oh I did, I think..."

"Well I bet you did. Are you ready to leave this place?"

"Yes...No...Yes...No...Um I think I actually am ready to leave!"

"Ok good that makes me happy!"

It took about 4.5 hours to get to the new house and when we got to he house, we were right by the ocean. I hurried to get my boxes and put them in my room. When I got into my room I had an amazing view of the ocean. It took about 3.5 hours to unpack everything and and arrange every thing. After I unpacked I went downstairs my mom was unpacking the kitchen.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Belle, did you get everything unpacked in your room?"

"Yep and my room looks awesome!!"

"Yeah I bet."

"So do you need any help?"

",but you can go talk to that boy outside!"

"Uh what boy?"

"The one right there."


"Have fun!!"

"Thanks I will!"

As I walked to the door my mind was set on that boy outside my door.

"Hi I'm Landon Mayors and I love across the street."

"Well hi Landon, I'm Belle Rodriguez and I live here!!!"

"Well hi Belle!! Would you like to take a walk around Cle Elum?"

"Um...yes I'd like that, let me just ask my mom."

"You can go Belle!"

"Ok thanks mom, love you!"

"Love you too!"

"So where do you want to walk to?"

"Um idk you could show me the school and any thing else."

"Ok, just to let you know, your really pretty and a lot of boys at the school will most likely have a crush on you!"

"Ok thanks for giving me the heads up!"

"Oh your welcome!!"

While I was walking with Landon all I could think about was how nice he is and how cute he is.

Mystery at Medow Gate HillWhere stories live. Discover now