Is it a Date YET??

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My mother, she was tied up. I didn't know what to say. I was shocked to see that cause she was the best mom in the world. After we stared at the body Landon turned around and went straight to the dock and dialed 911. They came in 5 minutes and they asked us questions, and I was thinking "oh god they think we did it" but then I realized they were just asking questions like-

"At about what time did you find the body?" and random CSI questions like that. After the cops/CSI people asked us the question. After they were done asking us questions we left to go back to my house, I got a call from one of the CSI guys said

"Hey Belle you doing ok?"


"Good, well when we were looking at your mothers body to see if there was any damage or anything we found that she had been shot twice."

"What? Um ok well thanks for letting me know that.w

"Your welcome."

After that ca me and Landon went straight to my house to see if anything crazy went on there and to see if there were any clues to my moms murder. When we got to my house, something didn't feel right when we got there. We went in side and there was stuff all over the house like vases broke and stuff like that, so we called the cops and they came when they came they wanted me to stay somewhere safe so Landon said that I could live with him. So before we left I packed all my stuff in boxes that we left from unpacking.

"Wow, you got a lot of stuff there Belle!"

"Ya I know a lot of it is from when I was little."



"Are you ready to go?"

"Yep I'm ready to leave this house."

When we left all I could think about was what am I going to do I'm 15 and I don't have a mom and a dad that doesn't care about me, but I mean I have Landon!

"You ok babe?"

"Ya just a little a sad, but happy."

"Um why happy?"

"Well cause I get to live with you da!"

"Oh ya hahaha I'm happy about that too!!"

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