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               It started in 9th grade. All the feelings. The way she started liking him. She remembers it all.  She knows where it all came to her. She thinks about how cute they'd be together. She gets lost in his eyes. But, she's so afraid to tell him how she feels. She's afraid that he will not feel the same about her. She's not one of the popular kids in school. She's considered a loser in school but she still had her friends that she was close to. They tell her how she's beautiful. And she truly was. Her name was Sarah. Sarah Martinez. She had long brown hair that flowed in the wind. And her eyes were a light grey. She wasn't to skinny nor was she chubby, she was a good size. Sarah wasn't tall. She was around five feet.

                        And this boy she really likes, his name is Juan Gonzales. Juan had a black hair with blue eyes. He was more known in school, one of the jocks on the football team.Even though he was a jock,he loved to help people.Juan never really noticed Sarah until the day he was partnered up with her in biology class.

                "How do you want to work on the project?" ask Juan. "Oh... well, we can meet up somewhere like the library.would you want to meet there?" responded Sarah." Yea. That sounds good.What is your name if you don't me asking."asked Juan,smiling."It's Sarah" she replied with a smile on her face.

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