Chapter 3

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Juliet's POV

Holy mother of Adonis! This guy was gorgeous. Or as Alexa would like put it, delicious. This man had unruly black curls, but once I looked closer at his hair, I noticed that it wasn't black but a very dark shade of brown. He had the most hypnotising eyes, grey. Although, they looked to be a more of a silver colour.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever until we broke our gaze as the flight attendants started to talk about the safety precautions while on the plane.

Five minutes after their little demonstration, the plane started to take off. I clutched on tightly onto the armrests. I was terrified! I mean, I've never really been on a plane before! What if we'll crash? What would happen? If there was ever a chance I would make it alive, would I be saved? Or would I just be stranded on a deserted island and talk to my only friend, a coconut, like in that Tom Hanks movie? Would I be that delusional? God, I don't want a coconut as a friend!

"Are you okay?" A deep, husky voice broke my train of thought.

I just stared at him. Why would this fine specimen want to even talk to me? He's so good looking! And look at me, I look like Mrs Potato Head from Toy Story.

I snapped out of my thoughts and it suddenly processed in my mind that he had asked me a question. I nodded my head yes to his question and he turned back around.

I'm bored. Bored out of my mind. I spent the last hour looking out of the window, looking at all of the clouds in the sky. I had always thought that the clouds were tangible. That and that they were made out of marshmallows and the tooth fairy used to live in her castle made of all of the teeth she had collected on top of the clouds. Yes, I was quite a weird child.

Finally, I settled on watching a movie, Finding Dory to be exact. I was so entranced by the movie that I wasn't even aware of the world around me.

Soon, our lunch was served. And let me tell you, the food they served seemed to be fit for a King or Queen, a feast! My mouth was salivating as I inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of the scrumptious food before me. As soon as they put the food in front of me, I licked my lips, grabbed my form and knife and dug in. God, I must be in heaven! Not only did the food smell heavenly, but it tasted heavenly as well! If only I had money like all of these people here in first class, then I'd probably be able to eat food like this everyday.

I sighed at the thought. I finished my food in what felt like seconds. I did feel embarrassed, however, as I finished before the guy sitting next to me. But a girl's gotta eat!

I leaned back onto my seat and felt my eyes droop down. I didn't notice until now that I was exhausted. I really needed to sleep. I took out the blanket that they provided us with. I snuggled into it and let sleep take over me.

I woke up to a hand shaking my shoulder. I rubbed my eyes to rid the sleep and looked up to see those sparkling grey eyes. I dreamed of those eyes to look at me with adoration, but no, currently they are glaring at me.

I looked at him confusedly, wondering what had angered him. I then realised that my head was on his shoulder and that my arms were wrapped around his strong arm. I quickly released him, turning a deep shade of red. He got up and walked away, exiting the plane.

Wow, what had gotten his panties in a twist? If he really wanted me to get off of him he could have just asked. Rude much? I felt something wet on the side of cheek. I put a hand to touch it only to see that it was my drool. No wonder he was so mad! I would be mad with me too. God, this was so embarrassing! I can't believe I drooled on the most good looking man I had ever seen.

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