
1K 67 1

Calling "Taehyung Kim"


"The number you're trying to call does not exist."

"The number you're trying to call does not exist."

"The number you're trying to call does not exist."

Delete Taehyung Kim from contacts?

Yes or No

Delete 1218 pictures from gallery?

Yes or No

Delete 600 messages to *deleted* ?

Yes or No

Calling "Kookie"


"Hello, Jimin?"

crackling sounds, heavy breaths

"What is it Hyung?"

muffled sobs, quiet sniffles
"I think its time for me to delete myself too."

"Wait what?!!! Jimin???? Jimin! What are you doing? Jimin?????? Hey!"

silence, quiet breaths, sound of paper on paper




Call ended

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