shellpaw | open

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Name // Shellpaw

About // Shellpaw is a tom with a pure white pelt and cloudy blue eyes.
About a moon after his birth, the Clan's medicine cat confirmed that the kit
had never had the ability to see and wouldn't for the rest of his life. His days
as a blind cat never stopped him from talking the ears off of all his Clanmates,
though. He could talk for hours if anyone let him. Because he couldn't see,
Shellpaw was forced to become a healer. He was overjoyed to find that he could
see when talking with StarClan. He begged to communicate with StarClan
irritatingly often. Shellpaw's blindness never stood in the way of his curiousness
and interest in everything around him, and never will.

First Place //

Second Place //

Third Place //

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