emberpaw | open

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Name // Emberpaw

About // Emberpaw was naïve, free-spirited, and optimistic as a kit.
But after his loving parents were murdered by the leader right before his
eyes, he became paranoid and short-tempered. He vowed revenge after
his claims of Yewstar's guilt were thought to be nothing more than grief
clouding his judgement. After becoming moodier and angrier each day for
moons, a Dark Forest she-cat visited him in a dream. "Train with me," She
had offered. "Do what I wish. Then I can kill the cats who took your parents
away from you." He instantly accepted. The two trained and planned for
the murder in and out of dreams until Emberpaw was declared to be ready
for the killing of Yewstar and any witnesses of his death.

First place //

Second place //

Third place //

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