Solomon Muto/ Seto Kaiba

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"Grandpa, I'm home!" Yugi called once he and his friends came into the shop.

"And I see you've brought company!" His grandfather said cheerily.

"Grandpa, can you show us the super rare card you've got?" Yugi asked.

"Rare card? My special card?" Solomon seemed to think about showing it.

"Please?" Yugi made puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty please?" Joey asked.

"Ha ha! How can I resist? I don't take this card out often. It's the Blue Eyes White Dragon." He showed them.

The card had an attack number of 3000 and defense number of 2500.

"It looks very rare! I've never seen a card like this before!" Rachael finally spoke.

Rachael noticed that his grandfather was just like Yugi, but his spiky hair was grey. She also noticed that he was staring at her Millennium Puzzle intently.

"Uhh, mister Muto? Are you okay?" Rachael asked.

"So you are the one who solved the other puzzle!" He said. "I knew you and Yugi would meet one day!"

"Y-you did?!" Rachael squeaked.

"Of course! Yugi solved his puzzle right after you did!" Solomon chuckled. "You both unlocked the magic of your puzzles."

"Those are things I would never tell my father. He's a bit of a cynical person when it comes to anything magical." Rachael confessed.

"Well, he should believe!" Solomon thundered. "It's a problem that he must figure out on his own. You've seen the magic yourself when you first solved your puzzle."

Rachael nodded.

Another customer came into the game shop. From Rachael could see, his slender figure towered over her and even Joey and Tristan. This new person had a mop of brown hair and cobalt blue eyes. She remembered hearing about Seto Kaiba and his company called Kaiba Corporation, and she knew he was its president. She wondered what the owner of his own company would be doing at a game shop when he had a company to run.

She immediately disliked him the moment he demanded to buy the Blue Eyes White Dragon card, and twice, Solomon refused to sell it. The rich schoolboy left in a huff.

Later on, she finished her homework, when she got a call from Yugi and his friends that Yugi's grandpa had been kidnapped and went with them to search for him.

She scowled when she saw that none other than Seto Kaiba had kidnapped him and won a duel against him to obtain the Blue Eyes White Dragon card.

She got angry when Kaiba tore the card up and challenged the rich boy to duel. She asked Yugi to join her.

They met Kaiba at the dueling stadium.

"First one to drop to zero loses. Are you ready to play, runts?" Kaiba sneered.

"Playtime is over, Kaiba!" Yugi answered.

"We'll show you who's the runt around here!" Rachael shot back and suddenly, her puzzle started glowing. Yugi's as well.

Their minds went blank again as the two strong voices from their puzzles came again.

Kaiba's eyes bugged at the two people that looked like the runts, but they looked more intimidating.

"Now, Kaiba...prepare yourself because it's time to duel!" Yugi snarled. His voice was a bit lower.

"Get ready, Kaiba. We'll show you what a REAL duel looks like!" Rachael added. Her voice was strong, gentle and yet commanding.

"Virtual systems ready!" Kaiba said.

They dueled using the virtual system and lost a few points, until they reached 200 life points.

"Draw your last pathetic cards so I can end this." Kaiba drawled.

"My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain, the unstoppable Exodia!" The intimidating Yugi said.

"What?!" Kaiba yelled.

"You heard him. We've assembled all 5 special cards-all five pieces of the puzzle, and I'm afraid it's game, set and match for you!" The intimidating Rachael said.

"Exodia, it's not possible! No one has ever been able to call him!" Kaiba's eyes bugged and his jaw dropped in fear.

"Exodia, OBLITERATE!" Yugi and Rachael both commanded.

Kaiba's life points dropped to zero.

"You did it! Yugi, Rachael! You won!" Joey cheered.

"That's not possible! My brother never loses!" Mokuba Kaiba exclaimed in shock. He was small with a long mop of black hair and dark blue eyes.

Yugi opened the rich boy's mind.

"There, Kaiba. Maybe now you will begin to see." Yugi said.

"That was an impressive duel, one that I won't forget." A girl the same age as Yugi and Rachael said. She was tall, and she had blonde hair and fair skin, and blue eyes.

Rachael came to from her blank state of mind and watched as the girl walked out.

"Wait! Who are you?"

"Myra Wilson. We'll meet again, Rachael Wilkins."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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