Shouldn't be friends (JJ x reader)

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request: JJ/female reader: JJ has a crush on the reader, but doesn't know that the reader feels the same way. When Emily joins the team, the reader gravitates toward her and becomes fast friends with her. She always asks Emily to share stories about her travels. So, when JJ and the reader hang out sometimes the reader will share something that Emily said. This annoys JJ to no end and eventually leads to them getting into an argument that carries on for days until one is confronted and feelings are shared

written by Jasmine

Joining the BAU had been one of the greatest decisions of your life. You loved all of your coworkers, but one agent, in particular, had caught your eye. Jennifer Jareau. The two of you would have your moments of flirtations, but it never blossomed into anything more. To an outsider, you two would've just seemed like great friends. Which was, in truth, all you were.

A brunette girl had walked through the doors of the office, making you turn. Placing down the papers that you held, you could only watch as your team rushed towards the woman. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you stood up, slowly making your way over.

"I missed you guys so much!" She exclaimed, before glancing over at you. "Who's this?"

"This is Special Agent (y/l/n)," JJ introduced, sending you a smile. You reached over, shaking her hand.

"Call me (y/n). You must be the famous Emily Prentiss I've heard so much about," You greeted, subconsciously admiring all her features. The look in her eyes showed kindness, and the smile on her face was genuine. You could tell by the wrinkles that formed beside her eyes, and the confident grip she had on your hand.

She laughed a bit, bringing her hand back. "That would be me."

You could see JJ beside you, a look of anger on her face. You chose to ignore it, as she probably wouldn't tell you what was wrong, even if you asked.

Instead, you took Emily's bag from the ground, gesturing towards the empty office that would soon be hers.

"Let me help you get settled."

Ever since Emily joined, you began to enjoy your job even more than you did before. The two of you got along great and were practically always together.

As you and the team flew back from a particularly exhausting case, you leaned into Emily's side.

"Tired?" She asked, making you nod.

"Could you tell me about Rome again?" You questioned. "Please?"

Emily groaned. "I've told you that story a thousand times!"

You laughed, shrugging. "It's a great story!"

She shook her head, but began telling it again anyway.

You walked with JJ, holding coffee for yourself, Luke, and Reid.

"I can't believe you did that," JJ chuckled at your reaction.

"I've done a lot of things you wouldn't believe," She admitted, admiring the smile on your face.

You nodded, laughing a bit yourself. "So has Emily. I swear every day she has a new story to tell me."

JJ rolled her eyes, but regretted it quickly.

"What?" You asked, your smile now replaced with a confused look. JJ had forgotten you were a profiler as well, and you would eventually pick up on her annoyance.

"Every time we hang out it's just 'Emily did this!', 'Emily said that!'. God, she's all you talk about!" She groaned, taking a deep breath. You stopped walking, and she did the same.

"She's my friend, JJ!" You countered. "Obviously I'm going to talk about her sometimes!"

"And who was your best friend before she came, huh?" She asked. "Oh right, me!"

"Is that what this is about?" You pushed. "You're seriously getting mad at me for making a new friend?"

JJ sighed. "You know that's not it."

"No, I don't! Because my best friend shouldn't care about who else I'm friends with!" You cried. It wasn't the fight that had made you so upset; it was the fact that JJ had been distancing herself recently. You had always asked what was wrong, but she would brush you off.

"Then maybe we shouldn't be friends!" JJ exclaimed. You shook your head, pushing open the door to the office.

"Maybe we shouldn't be," You growled, not bothering to hold the door open for her. As it shut in her face, JJ sighed, regretting ever bringing it up. 

You stood with Reid, listening to him talk about some physics discovery or something. The conversation was interrupted by JJ walking over, greeting the both of you.

"Spence!" She said, hugging him tightly.

"Hey!" He greeted, hugging her back. She turned to you after they pulled away, raising an eyebrow.

"(y/n)," She muttered. You stared at her, eyes cold.


She looked hurt, no one ever called her that, especially not you.

She shook it off, returning her gaze to Reid. "I was wondering if you had seen Luke."

"Last I saw he was in Rossi's office," He answered, and she thanked him quickly before leaving.

Reid shook his head. "You guys still aren't talking? It's been a week."

"She said she didn't want to be friends. Therefore we won't be friends," You explained, walking away to go talk to Emily.

JJ walked towards your desk, feeling confident after talking with Luke. He had convinced her just to express her feelings, which was exactly what she planned on doing. She stopped beside you, confidence still shining through her.

You raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"I know you like me."

Your heart started racing, and your face flushed. "I, uh, no."

JJ laughed. "It's okay; I like you too."

"You do?" You asked, smiling a bit.

She nodded, smiling back.

"How about I take you out sometime?"

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