Jealous JJ would include

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- JJ rarely gets jealous

- She thinks it's a bit childish

- But when she does it plays out like a routine

- She wouldn't give any indications that she is jealous

- At least not while out in public

- She may shift around uncomfortably in her seat

- But other than that she just smiles it off

- As soon as you get home however, she gives you the cold shoulder

- She'll check on Henry and Michael and then go straight to bed

- There will be a huge space between you two

- No funny business before bed like usual

- That's when you pick up on what's wrong

- And know exactly what it is that's bothering her

- So you confront her about it

- She tells you who it was that made her jealous

- And you reassure her that it meant nothing

- That they meant nothing and could never compare to her

- JJ doesn't see a point in holding on to jealously so she gets over it now that you've talked it out

- She always 'makes it up to you'

- Those are the nights when she holds you the closest

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