Chapter two

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Cas woke up cuddled with dean. The Winchester was still asleep. Cas smiled at how peaceful Dean was when he was asleep.

"Dean, wake up" Castiel nudged Dean. He didn't wake up. "Dean, come on! Wake up." Castiel nudged him a little harder.

"Mmmm..." Dean groaned. Castiel rolled his eyes at him.

"I'll push you off the bed, don't test me Winchester." Cas told Dean getting irritated.

"Mmmmm no you won't" Dean replied half asleep. Cas was fed up with Dean's laziness. So as he said, he pushed Dean off the bed. Dean landed on the floor with a loud thud followed by a loud groaned.

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas, you ass! That hurt!" dean sat up from the floor and rubbed the back of her head.

"I warned you. You should have listened" Castiel said matter of factly putting his hands up in defense.

"Still! That hurt! I was having a nice dream!" Dean said standing up.

"You should have gotten up when I told you." Cas laughed to himself getting out of bed and heading downstairs for the kitchen to make breakfast. Dean soon followed as his stomach growled. When they were both downstairs, they heard a loud thud. Castiel didn't pay it any attention as it was normal in his house. Soon after the loud thump, Sam and Gabe walked downstairs with a twister box.

"Today, we play twister" Gabe said matter of factly. "Lucifer get your unholy ass down here so we can play twister!"

"I CALL DIBS ON SPINNING THE SPINNER!" Lucifer raced downstairs screaming and almost tripping on one of the steps. "I'm fine, I'm totally ok. Ow."

"Can we at least have food first" Dean said wanting to eat.

"No, you shall suffer" Lucifer said grabbing the spinner.

"Lucifer shut up. Yes we can have food, that's why I came down here." Castiel said giving Lucifer a 'fuck off' glare.

"He told me to shut up" Lucifer said offended.

~Time skip cause I have a headache~

Lucifer sat on the couch with the spinner in his lap while Sam, Gabe, Cas, and Dean stood around the twister mat.

"Right hand blue" Lucifer said after spinning the first time. All fours boys followed suit. after about thirty minutes both Sam and Gabe were out. Sam because he's a tall ass moose, and Gabe because he's short and tiny. Dean and Cas were the only one left. Cas was in a crab position while Dean was pretty much leaning over him.

"Left hand green" Lucifer said with an evil smirk.

"Lucifer, you suck" Dean said moving his left hand to green. As well as Castiel. Dean slipped a little and almost sent him and Cas falling to the ground, but he was able to catch himself just in time, but his knee was on the floor. His knee was also only a few inches from Castiel's crotch.

"Dean, your out." Sam said said smirking while Gabe and Lucifer were laughing.

"Shut up Sam" Dean said blushing while trying to get off of Castiel. But Gabe pushed Dean onto Cas. Dean fell causing Cas to fall as well. Dean heard a little stifled groan from Castiel. Dean guessed it was because his knee was now in contact with Cas's new little problem. Dean began blushing heavily. Now everyone was laughing.

"What in my name is going on down here?!" Chuck entered the room.

"We're playing twister!" Gabe said trying to stop himself from laughing. Chuck looked over at Castiel and Dean suddenly having plans.

" well. Gabriel, Sam, Lucifer. All of you are coming with me for food" Chuck began shoving all three of them to the door.

"We aren't even dressed!" Gabe said trying to fight back.

"I don't give a fluff" Chuck said finally getting all of them out the door. "Dean, Cas...use protection" And with that, Chuck left. There was a small silence between Castiel and Dean.

"Did your dad....Did your dad just say 'use protection'" Dean said finally getting off of Cas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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