Chapter 1 - Meet The Family

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The family of Jack Morrison (also known as first-in-command Soldier: 76) has always been your average, everyday family. Except they have abilities and strange mechanical suits. Well, one of them anyway. They were a happy family until the crisis happened, the Omnic crisis, unleashing millions upon millions of horrific robotic murderers sought out to destroy humanity and all they have created. With this, more powerful enemies were created, enemies that could end humanity in a few days without a problem, unless, something got in their way.

Jack Morrison lay upon his bed, wondering how his family could be fixed. 'Why so many problems?' He thought to himself. He sat up, and looked out the window. His daughter and son playing outside with a football. His son seemed to be losing. He went downstairs.
Jack: ANGELA?!
Angela: Oh! You scared me. What is it?
Jack: Where's Hana?
Angela: Oh, uh, I believe she is up the stairs, playing on her Xbox as usual.
Jack: Thanks :)
Jack went upstairs and knocked on Hana's door...
All he heard was gunfire and explosions from the inside, as well as Hana shouting 'Ha! Rekt noobs!' 'No fair!' 'Yes! New highscore!'. He knocked harder on the door, he heard a splatter sound and then Hana groaning, followed by heavy footsteps to the door before the door swung open to reveal Hana, bags under her bloodshot eyes and Dorito crumbs all around her lips. Her room had empty packets and bottles everywhere, as well as 6 broken controllers and a broken Xbox.
Jack: Hana! Didn't I tell you to clean this place yesterday?!
Hana: Ugh, whatever! You ruined my highscore, 56 thousand! Thanks a lot!
Hana then proceeded to slam the door in his face, whacking his nose slightly. Jack opened his mouth to shout at her, but then closed it thinking about how useless it would be.

Jack had enough of Hana's bratty attitude, and constant gaming. He went downstairs and outside. Still his daughter (or slightly more robotic daughter, Orisa) and his son (Reinhardt) were playing.

No hate, I didn't plan this family. Reinhardt may be much older than S:76 in actual game, but hey this is just a fictional story.

Orisa kicked the ball into a net behind Reinhardt and he jumped to save it, but missed and slammed onto the ground with a great THUD.
Orisa: Woohoo! 10 points to me! Orisa is the winner!
Reinhardt: Arggh! No fair! You've got 4 legs you've got an advantage!
Orisa: Oh come on Reinhardt, don't be such a sore loser :(
Orisa then noticed Jack to her left and waved, with an extremely happy expression on her face.
Orisa: Hello, father! Me and Reinhardt were just playing 'Footcircle' or something like that.
Reinhardt slowly pulled himself back up off the ground and looked at Orisa annoyed
Reinhardt: For the last time, Orisa! It is football!!
Jack: Hey! Hey! No arguing! I have something important to tell you guys.
Orisa and Reinhardt looked at Jack, confused looks on their faces, awaiting the news about to be told to them. They never really did anything as a family. So they were hoping it would be something to do with family time.
Jack: We, as a family, are going to Blizzland!
Oh, just what they wanted. Orisa jumped around excitedly clapping her hands and swinging her legs around as if she had just been told the most exciting and uplifting thing in the world.
Reinhardt: Argh. Again? This is the 6th time. Getting a little bit repetitive.
Jack: Okay, you guys get anything you want to bring I'm going to go tell Hana.
Orisa: Yes father!
She said while still jumping around and clapping.
Jack entered the house and slowly made his way up the stairs. As much as he didn't want to tell her, because he knew what would happen, he had to tell her as she couldn't be left alone. She was only young so she couldn't stay on her own.
Jack proceeded to walk to her door. It had a big poster saying 'Keep out' with multiple drawings of Doritos drawn on it and had been stained by Mountain Dew. Her door was cracked at the side where she had kicked it, and the door handle was nearly falling off. He knocked on quietly...
No answer, he knocked again... again, no answer...
After waiting 3 more minutes he had enough.
Jack: Hana I'm coming in!
He burst through the door and saw Hana's mech with her disco lights on and her stuffing her face with Doritos. She had earphones in that were turned up so much, the dubstep blasting out of them could be heard from the other side of the room.
Hana: AHHH! Dad?! What are you doing? I'm trying to party here!
Jack: Were going to the-
Hana: What?!
Jack: I said we're going to-
Hana: WHAT?!
Jack stomped over to Hana and pulled her earphones out and then threw them onto the floor.
Jack: We are going to Blizzland as a family, so get dressed and get whatever you want to bring. Come down in 5 minutes.
Hana made an angry, shrivelled up face, before pushing Jack out of the room and slamming the door shut.
Jack sighed and walked downstairs. He saw Angela with her Caduceus staff and Blaster for emergencies as well as 5 packed lunches, Reinhardt with his rocket hammer, which he got as a Christmas present and never separated from it, and Orisa with her teddy bear.
After a few minutes, Hana slumped down the stairs in ripped clothes and her anime sound mufflers. She was holding her Xbox and a gameboy, as well as a controller and a basket full of Mountain Dew and Doritos.
Jack sighed once again and went to the car. Everyone put their stuff inside the car, and got in.
Orisa: Road trip! I love these!
And so the car elevated around half a meter off the ground and drove to the theme park in about 6 minutes.
A huge sign hung in front of them.
'Welcome to Blizzland!'

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