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Angela: So... we're here. Didn't take long, I suppose. Alright! Children, go have fun doing whatever you want. We'll all meet back here before midnight!
That's all they needed to hear. Hana immediately ran to the arcade faster than anyone else. Reinhardt ran to the baseball mini game, most likely to test out how powerful his hammer is. Orisa went to the tour train, so much fun!
Jack: So... where should we go?
Angela: Hmm, hard choice, Jack. So many places here that we can go to! How about the Boatride? Seems fun! Two people at a time going down a beautiful river!
Jack: Yeah, good idea. Let's go there
And so Jack and Angela went to the Boatride, where they waited in line for what seemed like hours but was actually just 10 minutes. They finally got onto the boat, and started the ride. The boat went down the stream, very slowly. Along the walls were random pieces of art, created by master painters, surrounded by cardboard hearts and blinking lights. Calming music was playing in the background, making the place seem cheerful and lovey. The ceiling of the tunnel was covered in mosaics, all being lit up by flashing lights as well in various colours. Red, blue, green, yellow, all the main ones mostly.
Angela: It is beautiful here! But... what is that noise?
The music stopped. A faint sound of footsteps banging on metal was heard from atop the tunnel, getting louder and louder with every footstep.
Jack: This can't be good.
All of a sudden, the ceiling above them got destroyed and rubble and stone fell all over the two. A dark, masked figure jumped down from the hole in the ceiling and landed near the boat. He looked up, it was a terrifying beast. A man, cloaked in completely black robes and a hood, with a skull mask. He pulled a shotgun from the inside of his robe.
???: Hello, Jack. I see you've recovered from our last meeting.
Jack: Reaper! I knew you'd come and sabotage my life someday. You'd better leave NOW!
Reaper: Oh, I'm not leaving just yet Jack. I want to have a little CHAT with you. Alone.
Angela: You leave him alone, or I'll-
Reaper: Do what exactly? You're a healer. You're worthless. Your petty Blaster won't have anything against me.

 Your petty Blaster won't have anything against me

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Angela: Well, I'll... ill...
Jack: Angela! He has a point, not to offend you, you're a great fighter, but it would be better off you leave us alone for now. Don't worry, I'll be fine. NOW GO!!
Angela: Uh I- Oh fine. Be careful! Don't get into any trouble!
Angela said these words while speeding off out of the tunnel. She was sure a security shouted 'Miss! Wait!' But she was too busy running to find Hana, Reinhardt and Orisa. She couldn't let Reaper get to them, or something fatal may happen. She ran and ran not stopping no matter what got in her way, getting weird and dirty looks from everyone. She went to the arcade to find Hana.

Angela walked into the arcade. Machines everywhere! Coins everywhere! People everywhere! How could she find Hana in this mess. She walked around the arcade shouting 'Hana! Hana!' But to no avail. Eventually, she stopped and looked around. Until, without warning, she got tapped on the shoulder. It shocked her so she pulled out her Blaster and pointed it at the stranger.
???: Angela! Your husband, Jack is in need of help.
Angela: Oh, Genji. You scared me. He needs help? I'll be right there
Genji smiled, even though you couldn't see it and disappeared into the shadows of the arcade.

 He needs help? I'll be right thereGenji smiled, even though you couldn't see it and disappeared into the shadows of the arcade

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Angela ran back to the tunnel as fast as she could, hoping she would make it in time. She ran into the tunnel, to find Jack on the ground surrounded by doctors and securities. She went to him, but everyone told her to step back.
Angela: I'm a trained nurse! You step back!
Security 1: Miss, we have this under control please, stay away from the patient
Angela's rage from being told this nonsense over and over eventually released from her body.
The security and doctors looked shocked and stepped away from Jack
Security 2: Wait, you're the Mercy? The one that can bring people back to life with a flick of the wrist?!
Angela: YES! Now step...back...
Angela raised her arm, a bright light shone from her hand and a blinding orb appeared in her hand. She looked at Jack and said 'HEROES NEVER DIE!' And like that, Jack got up, as if nothing happened. The security and doctors all looked shocked, and they all fainted.
Angela: Double whammy! They're all gone and you're back!
Jack: I'm back? Where'd I go?
Angela: Jack, you died. I brought you back. What happened with your 'chat' with Reaper then?
Jack: Ugh, things got out of hand. He wanted my soul, but I refused, and so he shot me without warning. He did have the soul, but he probably won't have it any more, seeing as I'm alive.
Angela: Hm, let's hope not. Anyway, it's too dangerous here. Perhaps we should head back home. Reaper could return at any moment. Go search for the children. I will wait for you here.

Jack nodded and set off to find them. Angela sat down, exhausted from the chain of events that just happened. But now she was in fear. Reaper couldn't have been the only one? He may have just been a mere henchman, sent to retrieve a soul for a whole organisation. There was nothing good about this.
Angela put her head in her hands and groaned. She didn't want trouble in her life. She just wanted to have fun and be as happy as she could be.
???: Something bothering you?
Angela: AHHHH! S-Sombra?!
Angela whipped out her Blaster and pointed it at Sombra, ready to shoot. Sombra was known as the current largest enemy of humanity. So Angela feared her greatly and wasn't scared to shoot. And since she wasn't scared, she did shoo- oh wait.
Small purple and black wires extended out of her hand and grabbed the gun, they brought it into her own hand.
Sombra: Debelos! A plasma Blaster! Always wanted to check out one of these. Got anything cooler?
Angela: What? N-no!

Angela hid her staff to prevent Sombra from seeing it

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Angela hid her staff to prevent Sombra from seeing it. She couldn't lose the staff, or she would be nothing.
Sombra: Well, I'll see you around!
She threw the gun into Angela's hand and vanished from her sight. Angela sighed and sat back down. She continued her wait for Jack. Hoping he wouldn't be too long...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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