Chapter 33 - A Moment For The Books

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"Here's your mommy, she's gonna be so happy to meet you."

The proud father hovered over his fiancé while carefully rocking Syden in his robust arms.

Robyn was beyond exhausted from being in labour for about three hours and contracting for nine. Aubrey was intent on letting her rest peacefully.

"I know you can't see anything just yet but I'm telling you, she's gorgeous. Just like you," he whispered, captivated by his daughter's face.

He could have sworn she just smiled up at him.

Her very first smile was dully noted in his brain.

Grabbing ahold of his attention, Robyn shuffled a bit in the hospital bed.

She was burning hot prompting her to push the covers to the level of her waist.

Aubrey gently brushed aside some strands of her hair that were interfering with his view. Previously, he tied her hair up trying to avoid this exact occurrence.

"Aub?" she called hazily after her eyelids fluttered open.

"Don't push yourself," he warned once she tried to sit herself up.

She ignored him by reason of catching her very own creation in her sights. Fascination could not even begin to describe her current emotion.

"There she is.."

Her hazel eyes scanned Syden's minuscule face and all her minuscule features after Aubrey leant towards her.

Syden's tiny lips puckered before she yawned so casually.

She had her father's nose, though the lips and facial structure of her mother.

An honest work of art.

Making sure to support her neck, Aubrey handed her over steadily.

"She's soo mesmerizing!"

He kissed Robyn's forehead during the time she gushed over their daughter. He added an extra one right after just because he could and also because he was beyond appreciative.

Simply the sight of his girls overpowered anything he ever experienced.

The instance was by far the biggest achievement of his life, knocking everything else out of its place.

"She weights exactly 6,5 pounds."

"Hey baby girl, you've been such a trouble maker," Robyn cooed happily.

"Alexandra said we've got a healthy baby and that we'll be home in about two or three days depending on how you're both doing."

"Really? That's so soon?"

Robyn's sights did not even bother budging as she gently rocked the now sleeping child against her chest.

"You're disappointed?"

He chuckled after taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"I feel lots of tings right now, but disappointment is definitely not one of dem."

"I'll take your word for it."

There was a light knock on the door before it creaked open, revealing her favourite doctor.

She was dressed in everyday clothing, therefore it was easy to distinguish the fact that this was a casual visit/checkup as promised.

"Michelle, come in!"

"I'm sorry that I'm late to the party. To be fair, missy right here decided she wanted to experience the real world a month in advance!" Michelle joked before greeting Aubrey with a handshake.

"I would say sorry, but I can't say that I am.."

"That's alright honey. God she's an eye catcher huh," she complimented once she made it to Robyn's side. "You've got a name?"

"Syden Rihanna Fenty-Graham. Long right?" Robyn allowed a small laugh to evade her weak body.

"Syden's premature right? Is everything going to be fine?" Aubrey interjected on a cautious note.

He was already on his feet, arms crossed, and pacing around the room.

Robyn's anxiety level rose just by his movements. His nervousness reflected on her own as per usual. He was giving her something to worry about in such a unique moment.

"In this case, Syden is only four weeks premature therefore the chances for any defects are very slim."

"That's great," he responded in relief.

"Although, her breathing appeared to be irregular so Alexandra and I are going to keep her under observation to see if this is still reoccurring. Besides that, there should generally be nothing to worry about."

Robyn found Aubrey's eyes in which he smiled softly and nodded.

"Baby you should get some rest."

"You only sayin' dat cuz you want her."

She arched her eyebrow with a twist of her lips, seeing right through him. She did not want to give her up just yet, she needed more time..even though be had a valid point.

"He's right Robyn, child birth can do a lot to a woman's body, exhaustion being high on the list. You need rest-"

"Okay, okay, I get it sheesh. Just give me a-"

"Um, imma be right outside. Doc, make sure she doesn't pass out or somethin' please."

Aubrey flashed Robyn his phone, making her understand that their families and friends were as ecstatic as they were.

How could they not? After eight months, the newest and youngest member of the family was here!

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