Chapter 6: A Change of Perspective

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Evie's nerves were already on high alert, so the moment he turned to look over his shoulder, the short girl instinctively flung herself into a nearby bush, rustling several leaves and banging her elbow painfully on the ground, sending a stilted jolt of pain up the nerve and numbing it. 

She forced herself to bite her tongue and remain perfectly still despite the fact that she'd probably just given herself a bruise (again, as per usual), peering at Ivor through the leafy branches blocking her from his view, but allowing her to see him through the foliage.

After what felt like three centuries and a year but was probably in fact ten seconds of the man staring in her direction searchingly, Ivor turned back around, breaking into a light run and heading straight for the keynote. 

Straightening up, Evie quickly dusted a few leaves out of her black hair before following after him, being careful to maintain her distance in case he was to turn around unexpectedly again.

Also, she maintained her distance in case she suddenly tripped or did something else equally stupid that would attract his attention. Maybe if she kept her distance, he wouldn't be able to tell who she was. She was fairly ordinary-looking, after all.

But, in a stroke of very good luck (for once), Evie was not spotted, and she did not trip and fall flat on her face, as she tailed Ivor into the keynote without him noticing once that someone was on his tail.

(Well, she did trip once, but she didn't fall flat on her face. That was something)


Several minutes earlier, Jesse looked up in alarm at the sound of footsteps, just in time to spot Evie disappearing around the corner herself.

"Evie, where are you going?!" she shouted, but the girl was either already out of earshot or purposefully ignoring her. It wasn't like Jesse knew the slightly-taller girl well enough to pass judgement on her.

"Of all the dirty, underhanded tricks to pull... I can't believe that guy pulled one over on me!" Petra growled, slightly under her breath, still fixated on Ivor. "Do you think Evie was with Ivor? Do you think she knew about it?" 

And now Jesse was backed into a corner. She didn't know Evie well enough to go either way. Evie seemed to be nice, quite polite, if not rather shy, and seemed to have a helpful sort of tendency. However, Jesse had only known her for the greater part of an hour or so, and even then she really didn't know anything at all about Evie. For all she knew, Evie had been pretending.

"Welllll," Jesse said slowly, dragging out the 'l' sound, "I don't think she was with Ivor on this... but seeing as she just ran off, there's a distinct possibility."

Petra shoved the lapis into her pocket after giving it another disgusted look. "Screw this-- c'mon!" And, just like Evie had a minute before, the redhead sprinted out of the alley, forcing Jesse to break into a sprint after her.

"Either I'm getting that diamond, or I'm getting my skull back," Petra nearly snarled as she ran full-speed down the alleyway.

"Or, you'll make him pay," Jesse added, her gaze hardening, before lightening a little as she gave Petra a small smile. "Right? Right?"

Petra either decided to ignore Jesse's attempt at calming her down, or wasn't paying enough attention to it to be calmed down, because she just said, "C'mon," and turned back to the front as she sprinted out.

As they emerged from the alleyway, the redhead looked around, rapidly. "Do you see them anywhere?" she asked, eyes narrowed.

The two of them scanned the entirety of Endercon from where they were, but in the mess of color and people, Ivor would've just blended right in. And Evie, who wore a t-shirt and jeans and looked as ordinary as anyone else Jesse knew? You'd have better luck throwing a gold ingot down into a well and hoping you'd get it back again.

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