Chapter 4: Happy Birthday

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I don't know any better titles names


After the class and the trio got outside Danny spotted Ember.

"Yo flame face!" Ember stopped flying and turned the cocky teenager.

"What do you what spark plug?" Her eyes than widening after noticing where they where and his hoodie.
Ember landed on the ground in front of them "Geez what did you-" she was cut of by Maddie pointing a gun to her head.

"MADDIE!" She turned to see who shouted. "I told you no ecto guns!" Danny walking with the help of Tucker and Sam.

" I am you mother I will do as I like!" Maddie had yelled back

"Ember is my family and you are not my mother anymore these ghost actually care about me and never forget my birthdays and they don't argue about Santa Claus!"
Danny yelled back at her now in her face. "Put the gun down now Maddie"
Spiting out his words like venom. Maddie lowered her gun. "Thank you" Danny said as rubbing his temples.
"What where you saying Flame face" Danny smiling at her nickname.

" Well I said 'Geez what did you do' spark plug" Ember Also smiling at his nickname.

"Well I 'served my time' with Walker" everyone shivered at the mentioning of his name.

"Hmm well I was looking for you any way...Pandora is waiting for you Tucker and Sam."

"Oh, right I forgot about that" remembering his invitation.
"By any chance do you have a way to get there?"

"Oh right be right back!" Ember left at her last words. Danny sat down on the ground still outside of Walker's prison. Then laying down on his back closing his eyes.

" So what now" Petunia shot out as soon as Danny closed his eyes.

" We wait for Ember to come back" eyes still closed and still bleeding Danny said calmly.



Ember had come with two large carts pulled by ghost horses and controlled by Frostbite and Queen Dora.

"Sam Tucker! Get Danny into my cart quickly!" Frostbite had ordered them they stumbled to pick him up. He had passed out a while ago.
His hoodie was now soaked in his blood. Everyone filed into what was left.



I woke up without a shirt on stitched up and wrapped with gauze. I had a needle connected to IV filled with blood. I slowly rose to see was at Pandora's house? But no one was in the room I was in. 'Hmmm where is
Everyone' I thought to myself. I hopped off the bed. I toke the IV with me so someone can take it out properly.

I exited the room to find a long hallway. I slowly walked down the long hallway looking in every door until I found a stairway. I picked up the IV with my other hand and walked down the stairs. It was a long journey but I made it. I had entered a large room with different entryways.
'Where do I go?' Slightly worried. I headed down the closest way to me.

No luck no one was there. I tried to hear anybody. No luck I when back up stairs and went through looking for my stuff. I found a white hoodie.
'Huff a hoodie is a hoodie' I thought as I slipped it on. Decided to go back down stairs and go outside.


I opened the doors and let the coolness of the Ghost Zone wash over me. Then a realization washed over me...I was extremely hungry.
I headed back in and towards the kitchen. To be honest I got lost. Yes have been to Pandora's house a lot but never took the time to study the floor plan.

As soon as my IV and I made it to the kitchen I jumped about a foot in the air after people suddenly appeared.

"Happy Birthday"
Everyone screamed as they jumped up even the whole class well except Jack and Maddie. (they sat in a corner)

Dani ran up to me
"Daddy" she yelled as she hopped onto me.

"Hi  sweetie" i said hugging her tightly and dropping her. I scanned the room for Frostbite. "Hey Frostbite do you mind taking this of me."

"Oh I am sorry great one" at last the IV was gone. I could I joy my birthday party.

We enjoyed music, drinks, stories, games and cake.  After cake everyone kept drinking and playing games.

Umm well I will end this here and... yeah well hope you in joyed this one! (Btw there was adult drinks but the class drank fruit punch and apple juice. Would be surprised by what happens when you get a bunch of teens on punch and apple juice)

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