Fights And Bribes

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A/N: Things are gonna get ANGSTY UP IN HERE. And maybe turn into fluff. I dunno. I write these things before writing the chapter, then things take a turn that I didn't plan on. So prepare for either 'awww~', shocked gasps, or tears.


It's been a week and a half since you've been living with Mark, and things have not gone so well. You don't eat with him, which concerns him since he can't make sure you're actually eating if you're hiding in your room; you don't really talk to him, which makes him uneasy and wonder if you're okay or not; you also tend to walk around only at night due to not wanting to sleep because your nightmares have gotten worse, which concerns Mark that you're not sleeping and haven't told him why. You also may or may not have just stood in the doorway of his recording studio, staring creepily while he was playing a horror game. He screamed and fell out of his chair, knocked over the camera, and nearly had a heart attack. You felt bad, but were too nervous to do anything, so you just locked yourself in your room.

And now here you are, sitting in your room, listening to a 28-year-old lecture you about how you need to keep up with school. You roll your eyes a bit, causing him to become irritated. "Don't roll your eyes at me! I'm trying to help, okay. I know things still aren't that good with you, but you need to do your homework and at least keep C's in your classes. I'm not asking you to get perfect A's on everything, I'm just asking you to get at least average grades so you don't end up failing." You stare at him with a bored expression. He sighs and squeezes the bridge of his nose. "Please. Just a little bit of cooperation. Just please do okay in school. I'm sure you don't want me to have to go up to your school and meet the principle and counselors to explain why you're not doing your work. The teachers already give you extra time to do things since they know about your situation."

You sigh and take out your homework. Mark seems relieved.

Then you shred the papers, bored expression still on your face.

Mark looks like he's about to pop a blood vessel.

"Y'know what?! Fine! Fail your classes! But before I leave you be, I should probably mention that the quicker you finish school, the quicker you get to move out on your own. Failing classes will get you held back, meaning extra years you gotta spend here!" Your eyes widen. You forgot about that. You have to live with Mark until you at least finish high school. It won't matter if you turn 18, the court said you need to finish high school first so you'd actually be able to get a job. You pick up the shredded papers and shuffle over to Mark, head down. "Um...could I use a computer and printer to make new sheets of these.....?" He nods and goes to help you print out new papers.

Soon enough you actually finish the work. Mark looks at you suspiciously, then checks them. "Oh, wow. You actually did really good on these. Pretty sure they'd be perfect scores, or near perfect. And you did it so quickly." You shrug. "I've always been the 'smart kid'....Even when I didn't pay attention in class, my brain still retained the information...I also write pretty fast although my handwriting is sloppy and messy..." He smiles at you and ruffles your hair a bit. "It's okay, kiddo. As long as your handwriting is legible, it doesn't matter if it's messy or neat. And if you actually did your homework when it's assigned, you'd probably have A's and B's, not D's and F's." You sigh and nod. He wraps an arm around your shoulder. "I know what you're going through is hard. But keep up with school, okay? It seems like it'd be easy for you. And if you raise your grades to at least B's, I'll let you eat whatever you want for a whole day. As long as it's food, of course." You smile a tiny bit. "Does that include sweets?"

"Yes, it does." You perk up. "Okay~!" You take your papers and speed shuffle to your room to put your papers away. Mark chuckles.  He really did just want you to do well. You seem to spend too much time thinking and spacing out, though...

Maybe I should get her involved in something...

Getting Used To This: Markiplier x Adopted!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang