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Avery's pov

I was currently hanging out with my best friends Michael and Luke. All of us were sitting in Michael's garage just talking about anything that didn't make sense to us.

"Michael, why do you have multiple shades of pink and purple in your hair?" Luke quickly asked in between giggles. Michael quickly looked at Luke with a death glare and threw a small pillow at Luke's head. I just laughed at Luke cause he didn't see the pillow being thrown at him. It hit his face with a loud thud and luke being clumsy and all tried to catch the pillow that bounced off of his face but ended up falling of the couch.

My phone vibrated on my thigh and I looked at it to see that my dad texted me. I opened the text and read that he wanted me home right now.
"Guys I have to go my dad texted me saying I have to be home right now cause it's something important." I said my goodbyes and starting walking down the street. It wasn't a long walk cause me and michael don't live that far apart, it's just a couple of houses down the road.

Once I was close enough to my home I saw a car that I couldn't recognize come into view. I started walking faster and I quickly reached the front door. I didn't know what to expect so I just walked right into the house.

I saw my dad and this women sitting next to each other, laughing and talking. He was holding her hand and honesty I was completely lost. I cleared my throat as I walked further into the room.

"Um dad what's going on here?" He carefully stood up with the small darked haired women standing right next to him latching onto his arm.

"Av, I would like you to meet joy" I quickly put down my backpack on the floor next to the sofa and shook her hand. My father motioned me to sit down and I softly planted my self on the soft furniture.

They both quickly sat down, but this time they kept a little bit of distance between them. "Joy, this is my daughter Avery." She sent me a small smile my way as I looked at my father completely clueless. "Av, I know you are very confused now but I will explain everything as soon as calum gets here."

I furrowed my eyebrows as the unknown name fell from my father's lips. "Wait, who's calum?" Joy opened her mouth about to say something when out of nowhere the doorbell started to ring. My father quickly got up and headed towards the door.

My father and the stranger greeted each other like they have been best friends for years. I was confused so I stayed quite and just sat on the warm sofa.

He quickly bent down infront of joy and kissed her on the cheek. He quickly looked at me and gave me a very small smile.

He sat down beside joy and just got on his phone. My father quickly came back and sat down on the other side of joy. The way my father and joy were looking at me made me feel like I was going to get yelled at. I sank a little bit in the furniture out of habit when I feel small.

I take a quick glance at the boy sitting across from me, and I was looking at the clothing that he was wearing and I noticed it was pretty different. He was wearing a black green day shirt and a black jean jacket over his shirt. Paired with some black skinny jeans and a black beanie on top of his head.

I didn't hate it, I actually liked the look. It suited him very well. I look over to see if he is still on his phone then I notice that he was looking dead at me doing the same. Looking at the clothing I was wearing. I was wearing my school uniform which was just an ugly skirt, white knee high socks and a white collared shirt.

I pull my skirt down a bit as I see the boy's eyes look over my clothing. I look at his face and see him looking at me dead in the eye. A smirk forming on his plump pink lips. A small blush creeps to my face and I quickly look at the ground.

My father clears his throat and looks at me happily. He then diverts his eyes to the boy looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Calum, this is Avery, Avery this is calum, my girlfriends son.

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