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It was saturday morning and I woke up to both of my best friends jumping on top of my bed.

" what the fuck are you two doing?? " I look at luke and michael acting like crazy 2 year-olds.

Michael jumps one more time and finally sits down on my bed. " well we wanted to hang out and we called you like 5 times and you didn't answer, so we came over and your dad let us in."

I look at luke and curiously trying to see if michael is telling the truth and luke slowly gives me a nod.

A yawn escapes my lips as I flip the blanket over my head while I tell them to leave me alone. I had no intentions of getting up anytime soon, but luke and michael had other plans. They both grab the ends of the blanket and rip the warmness out of my grip, which quickly surrounds me in the cold air, considering it's always cold in my house.

I quickly grab one of my pillows and throw it at michaels head. Which results for him to fall off the bed and land on the soft carpet floor. Luke starts laughing and I quickly glare at him and he immediately stops his fits of laughter. But then I start laughing as michael pulls luke to the ground as well.

I slowly get out of bed considering how I'm now fully awake and head to the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face while the two idiots on the floor are play fighting. I walk back into my room and grab a pair of blue denim shorts and a plain white shirt. I look and michael and luke as they are now sitting on my bed scrolling through netflix.

" So where are we gonna go today? "
I question the two boys on my bed. " Well first of all we are gonna go eat considering how us two haven't eaten yet and you just woke up so you definitely haven't eaten yet, and then I guess we could go to the mall? " luke replies bluntly as we puts on some disney movie.

I slowly nod my head as I start doing my make up. I quickly do my hair and head to the closet to get my purse and my vans. I quickly slip them on as luke and michael head downstairs,  me slowly trailing behind after turing my tv off and shutting my  door.

We soon head off to a small cafe, to get something to eat. Michael driving, me in the passenger seat, and luke in the back. Currently luke wouldn't stop whining because he didn't get to sit with michael.

After a car ride that seemed to take way longer then it should have been. We sit down in a booth in the corner of the cafe, order our food and drinks and continue talking. I was sitting with michael and luke was sitting infront of us pouting because yet again he didn't get to sit with michael.

" Luke will you stop the pouting, it's just a seat " I look at luke while he snaps his bead towards me a playful glare in his eyes. " no it's not. You always sit next to michael you mean! "

Michael starts laughing at his childish behavior. I smack michael on the back of the head for laughing at luke. He hisses and proceeds to glare at me. Both boys are glaring at me while the waitress comes back with our food and drinks. She passes us our food awkwardly confused as to why both of the boys I'm sitting with are now currently glaring at me like I'm satan himself.

We quickly finish our meals and pay for our food and quickly head off to the mall. Luke finally satisfied because be finally got to sit next to michael in the car. This time me driving and both boys in the back.

Luke clinging to michael like a koala and michael just nonchalantly scrolling through his phone and answering a few texts. Once we pull up to the mall luke refuses to let go of michael the whole time while I'm walking behing them recording the whole thing on my phone.

" luke can you please let me go so we can walk into the mall please "

Luke finally let's go after I literally had to pull him off of michael so we can actually get through the mall doors. We soon head off into different directions agreeing to meet in the food court in two hours.

I head off to multiple clothing stores and after an hour an a half of shopping I have 4 bags full of new clothes. Still managing to walk into the vans store to buys some shoes.
After another hour of shopping I finally head off into the food court to meet up with michael and luke.

Surprisingly they aren't there. I sit down at a table and pull out my phone from my pocket scrolling through instagram and answering some texts I've gotten in the past few hours. I soon start to think about where Michael and luke are considering how I've been sitting here for more then 20 minutes. They couldn't have gone anywhere because I have the keys to Michael's car. After another 20 minutes of sitting alone I see Michael and luke walking towards me with four bows of pizza. So that's where they were.

" you took to long so we went to get pizza, now c'mon let's go back to your house so we can eat. "

We drive back to my house, eat our pizza and michael and luke just leave. After they leave I grab all my bags and bring them upstairs with me. I lay them on my bed and connect my phone to my speaker. Playing music while I start unpacking all my things and putting them in there proper places.

In the middle of packing my things I hear someone slamming on my front door. Confused because my dad doesn't get home till late. I slowly open my bedroom door and start walking downstairs thinking of who it could be.

Maybe it's michael and luke playing tricks on my trying to scare. I roll my eyes as a I swing the door open not even expecting as to who is on the other side of my front door.

" calum? "

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