Mommy and Daddy welcome the babies

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Mommy & Daddy duck have been waiting 28 long days. Now mommy duck says "it's time ." The eggs are finally hatching. I'm so happy I will see my ducklings soon. Daddy duck is excited too. He's calling to everyone "it's time!"it's time!" The ducklings are coming.
  Outside all their neighbors are waiting to see the new ducklings. The daddy ducks are pacing back & forth. Daddy duck is thinking of all the new things he will teach his baby ducklings. The mommy ducks have gathered to make outfits for each new arrival. Mommy duck waits patiently & thinks of names for her new babies.
  One by one they begin to hatch. As each duckling hatches the first thing they see is their mommy smiling down at them. Hello, my darlings I'm your mommy. All the baby ducklings have hatched. Proudly mommy duck say everyone come look. There are 3 girls & 1 boy.
  The whole neighborhood is there to meet the new arrivals. There are many gifts for the ducklings. Beautiful outfits for them to wear & colorful toys to play with too.
  And soon Mommy & Daddy duck will announce there names.
  We're proud that each of you are here. We have decided on our babies names. Here is Suzy. She is our first born. The twins names will be Amy & Adam. And our smallest baby's name is Happy.
  After everyone leaves mommy feeds them, gives them a bath & slowly they drift off to dreamland.
  Tomorrow they will go swimming for the first time. But mommy is worried because Happy is very small. When she tells daddy duck how worried she is he says "Don't worry every duckling needs to learn to swim & Happy is no different."

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