Mr. Bass teaches Happy to swim

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Happy can feel the excitement  welling up inside her this morning. Today is going to be her first swimming lesson & she can't wait.
  As they near the pond Happy can see Mr. Bass is waiting for her. When she arrives at the waters edge she is glad to see that the water is calm. She thinks to herself this might no be to bad after all.
  Mr Bass says "Are you ready for you first swimming lesson?" I think so Mr. Bass. Wonderful then let's get started.
  Happy I want you to climb onto my back. So Happy climbed on Mr. Bass' back. Now sit down & try not to be nervous. I'm going to swim to the middle of the pond. Are you ready? I'm ready Mr. Bass. Very slowly Mr. Bass swims to the middle of the pond. Gently he raises his head out of the water. Are you ok? Happy was very surprised. She said "Oh yes Mr. Bass that wasn't scary at all. " I'm glad!" said Mr. Bass.
Now Happy when I say go I want you to paddle your feet. Ok? As she nods her head yes Mr. Bass starts to slowly swim. Then he says "Go " & Happy started to paddle. Mr. Bass swims from under Happy. As he comes to the surface he's proud to see Happy is swimming all by herself. When she realizes she is swimming by herself she gets scared. Soon she starts to look for Mr. Bass. But there was no need to look very far because he was right by her side. And on the bank was mommy & daddy flapping their wings in delight. Next to her mommy & daddy were her sisters & brother cheering her on. Happy was so proud. And  you know what? Mr. Bass was right this is fun! Thank you Mr. Bass! And as he swims away Mr. Bass says "You are very welcome Happy!

Welcome To The World Happy!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum