My friend Mr. Bass

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  It's been many years now. But Happy is still good friends with Mr. Bass. Although she has grown up now with ducklings of her own she still finds time to swim & talk with Mr. Bass. So when one of her own ducklings was scared of the water she knew just what to do. Call Mr. Bass.
  The ducklings are ready for a day of swimming. When they arrived at the pond Happy says "Come on Lucy I want you to meet someone." Happy goes to the edge of the water & calls "Mr. Bass ,Oh Mr. Bass."
  Mr. Bass has aged a little & now he swims kind of slow.When he gets to the waters edge he popped his head out of the water. Well good day Happy! What can I do for you today? Mr.Bass this is my daughter Lucy. She's scared of the water. Could you teach her to swim? Oh Happy, I would love to!
  Lucy, How about you & I talk for a while? And we can learn to swim tomorrow. Does that sound good to you, Lucy? Lucy replied in a small, shy voice "Yes Mr. Bass.
  Lucy, What do you like to do for fun? Lucy thought for a moment the said "Mr. Bass I like to draw pictures of nature. I would enjoy seeing some of your pictures sometime. What do you do for fun, Mr. Bass? Old Mr. Bass with a sparkle in his eyes " Well Lucy you see all these people fishing? Yes Mr. Bass. For years I've been swimming around this pond. When I see a hook I kind of tug on it so they think they've caught a fish. And when they reel in their line I swim away. Lucy's mommy calls to her " It's time to go." Lucy & Mr. Bass say their good byes then he swims away.
   The next day Lucy learned to swim just like her mommy did years ago.
  Now that Lucy is grown with ducklings of her own she is very glad to say that Mr. Bass is still alive & well. And he still teaches the little ducklings to swim. So the tradition continues.

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