Two Player Game

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Lance walked through the hallways of the castle sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Today had been a long day of getting people to root for Team Voltron. He reached his room and quickly changed his clothes. He made his way to his bed and fell onto it, placing his face on his pillow comfortably. 

He hugged his pillow and turned his head toward the door of his room to see a figure casting a shadow into his room. They were short, at least, shorter than the rest of the team, and they had fluffy hair that didn't go farther than their shoulders. There was a glimmer of light on their glasses, and they pushed the frame up their nose. 

"I found the adapter," Pidge said simply. 

Lance's eye's widened, not sure if he understood completely. If he was correct... that meant...

"We can play the console?" Lance sat up on his bed, grinning widely. Excited, he looked at the girl in his doorway. She nodded quickly and made a motion for him to follow her. Lance got up and carried a blanket around his shoulders, slightly chilly, and followed Pidge. 

The two walked into a lounge that had a screen propped up onto the wall. In front of it was a simple light Altean aqua colored couch. The screen seemed to be an altered Altean television sort of invention. Lance looked at Pidge curiously. 

"Where? When...?" he asked, "How did you get all this?" He looked between the game console Pidge was hooking up to the TV and the TV itself. 

She took a quick look at him and smirked. "Last time we were at the mall I found an adapter," she explained, sounding proud of herself. "Then I found an Altean monitor and... upgraded it. I just had to change a few things to make it hook up properly to the console and all that." 

Lance couldn't help but smile to himself. Pidge can be kind of adorable in some senses when she knows what she's talking about. She tends to look at her nose a little and starts making motions with her hands. The girl would often push her glasses up knowingly when she says something seemingly obvious (even if it's not) and she would smile when she finishes her thoughts.

"What a smart cookie," Lance mumbles under his breath, almost unconsciously 

"Eh?" Pidge looks at him curiously. Lance looked at her in surprise, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. He sat down on the couch and covered his head with his blanket like a hooded cloak. 

"N-nothing," he blushed, flustered that she heard. "Just talking to myself." Lance took one of the controllers in his hand and played with some of the buttons to entertain himself while Pidge finished hooking up the game console. 

"Annnddd," she said suddenly, taking a controller in her hands and walking to the couch. "Finished." She grinned at Lance and took a seat next to him. Pidge looked down and her controller and frowned slightly. "You took player one," she nudged lance hard in the ribs with her elbow. 

"Heheh," Lance moved his blanket to cover his shoulders instead of his head. "Player one is always supposed to be the oldest," he teased. 

"You aren't the one who set up the console!" Pidge reached for Lance's controller. In return, Lance just sat up tall and put the controller in the air. Pidge groaned and stood up to reach for the controller, standing on her toes. 

"Nuh uhh," Lance smirked and stood up himself, letting his blanket fall off his shoulders. 

Pidge jumped, waving her hand to smack the controller out of his hands. "No fairrr," she grumbled. 

She sat back down reluctantly, clearly having lost the battle. 

"Looks like I'm player one," Lance sat back down and covered himself with his blanket again. "You'll have to try harder next time." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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