Chapter 1

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(Virgil's POV)

Today was just like another day. I woke up at around 1AM still tired. I got up and showered and changed into a plain black t-shirt and my signature jacket with black, ripped skinny jeans: not that i am skinny. I applied foundation and my normal eye shadow. I made my way to the common room then over to the kitchen. Roman was in the living room watching Frozen and Patton was in the kitchen making cookies and I assume Logan was in his room reading. "good morning kiddo, are ya hungry I can whip up some pancakes for you." Patton said. "Yeah that be great Pat." I said. I didn't want to eat everything but i knew it made him happy to do stuff for others so i agreed. "ok blueberry or chocolate chip?" He asked. "chocolate chip." I said. "coming right up just go have a seat i'll bring it out." He said. "k thanks" I said. "no problem kiddo." He said. smiling. You know it's weird, he's not even my father: Well he is but, he doesn't know, or doesn't care. I may not act like it but I care for everyone in the mind place. I go out of my way to restock Logan's bookshelf every week. I tell Patton how good he does simple things because I know it makes him feel wanted i also put pictures of dogs on his bed everyday to make him smile. I leave little notes for prince telling him how nice he looks and none of them know it's me doing these things. I wish they'd just like me i mean it's not my fault i'm anxiety. What's worse is they think I CAUSE Thomas's Anxiety but that's not how to works at all. When Thomas has an anxiety attack I pull all of his anxiety onto me or at least as much as i can handle, so when Thomas has an anxiety attack I have one 10 times worse, but no one cares. Why would they care, i'm worthless, unless and fat and ugly. I wish I could be more like prince yah know, happy, handsome, nice. But i'm not i'm anxiety, the train everyone hates.

Goner {Sander Sides[Prinxiety]}Where stories live. Discover now