Fever Tour/ Planning.

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2:30Am (On November 17, 2017)
Ar'mon's POV:
My alarm went off and I wasn't ready to get up it feels like I just went to sleep mannn! I turn it off my alarm and roll over looking at my future wife (she's doesn't know that I'm going to propose soon) I never thought In a million years this would be me, mannnn I was a player dawg I had all the groupies chasing me, but from the first time I meant her I knew she was different, she supported my dreams, she was so different and stuck by my side through my ruff times. Oh plus my mom loves her some Kenn Kenn! (In my mocking voice) lol She sound asleep so I start kissing her face gently and wrap my arms tightly around her. I get my last little cuddle in before I get up to go brush my teeth and shower. Coming back into the room I cut the lights on and finish getting dressed for this plane ride. I hear footsteps and it's Trey coming downstairs and walking into the room asking me if I was ready to go. I replied with nah because to be real with y'all this was the first tour I went on without my baby with me but she will be in good hands with Queen & Tae and big head Airi and Jazz here with her. Trey left me there with my thoughts I walk into the bathroom and put my ring on my left finger and my necklaces on than Walking back into the room to wake up Kenn to at least tell her I'm leaving and get a kiss. Kenn I whisper in her ear (she was hard to wake up) Baby I said a little louder she respond with "Huh" I just wanted you to know I love you and I'm leaving I said before planting a kiss on her lips. She kissed me back & said I love you too Ar'mon and said until we see each other again because we never said goodbye. I got up walked over to the dresser and reached inside my wallet and took out my black card and sat it on the dresser by the tv so while I'm gone she can go shopping and get Trey's surprise ready for when I get back... I just wanted to see her smile tbh and I love that girl to death y'all seriously. She never asked me for anything, that's why I am so willing to give her the world. And Kenn is extremely independent that's why I gotta buy her gifts all the time cause she refuses to take my money. I grab my bags and turn off the lights and head to the living room where Trey and Jazz were in there talking... "Yo bro why you look like you lost your best friend"? Ohhh wooow fr fr I do? ( I said joking but I was really hurting) Yeah bro trey replied Yo bro I never seen you act like this before especially over a female! I told jazz to chill cause Kenn is a grown woman. Ard bro don't worry me, Queen and Tae and Airi gonna make sure she straight trust! Thanks bro I replied and I asked trey if he was ready to go we headed out the door and got into my car and headed to the airport.

Jazz POV:
It's still early but I'm ready to get up and Tae is still sleeping in so I get up and brush my teeth and shower and fix my hair. I'm going to make breakfast for the crew but everyone is still sleeping. Trey and Ar'mon left early this morning. I go into the fridge and grabs pots and pans, and than start grabbing the eggs, Turkey Sausage and pancake mix. I start whipping it together cooking the eggs last, while I'm cooking Kenn wakes up and comes into the kitchen looking sleepy. Kenn are you straight? I asked her She replied with yeah but the smell of those eggs ugh it stinks! I laugh at her knowing she hates eggs! No Jazz it's not funny I'm ser.... she tried to say before she ran to the bathroom. I'm thinking to myself "she's probably pregnant" than I'm like nah as I finish cooking these eggs. Queen comes downstairs and asked where is Kenn because she kept calling her phone. I told her in the bathroom an asked if she was going to eat. She replied yeah but let me go check on my lul Baby first.

Queens POV:
I walk into the bathroom and see Kenn in the toilet throwing up asking what's wrong with her. She replied those eggs Jazz cooking got my stomach upset ugh! Queen can you go to the store for me please You can take my car idc I just need some and ginger ale and some saltine crackers please I reply and you can get two cups of ice Queen! yes boo but I'm picking up a pregnancy test too and some sea bands. I rolled my eyes at Queen and said yeah okay I highly doubt that smh! Nah it's okay boo where are your keys? Kenn replied with they are in me and Ar'mon's room in the top drawer and I have some money in there if you wanna take it thank you Queen! No problem boo you know I love you and got you!! I head into there grabbing the keys and money and started putting my shoes on and headed to the store letting jazz know I'll be back.

Kennedy's POV:
I know they are suspect but there's no way I can be pregnant at all! I said getting up from throwing up making sure I wash my face with my clean and clear and brushing my teeth and using mouthwash. I dry off my hands and head to the living room stopping in my room to grab my phone. I felt it vibrate and it was Ar'mon FaceTiming me I answered saying Hey baby I miss you! He replied with I love you and miss you more.. I asked him did he make it and is he ready for his tour and he replied yes and than I hear mom in the background asking who he was on the phone with and I said hey mom she said hey Kenn Kenn how are you? I replied with I'm fine mom trust, how are you? I'm fine baby and than she started to talk about the story about yesterday. No Ar'mon doesn't have a baby and I confronted the girl! She needs to stop because she knows damn well that baby doesn't look anything like him and Ar'mon never touched that fast ass girl! I started cracking up! Than Ar'mon chimed in saying baby you can't listen to this fans you already know the answer to that question it's false (him and mom now fighting Over the phone next thing I hear is boy I'm grown and Ar'mon saying I'm a grown ass man too! I changed the subject real quick... That's good mom make sure you record my babies talking about (Trey and Ar'mon) I will Kenn boo! I love you mom I love you too! Ard babe I gotta go because we gotta do sound check and trey over here cutting up lol (I hear trey in the background acting a fool like always) I replied with I know grandpa isn't over there acting like these young boys! 😂 nah you know he swear he someone's daddy talking about let's go y'all come on I'm ready to get home lol Ar'mon replied. oh okay baby I love you he said I said love you too and we hung up.

Queen's POV:
I finally came back from the store with CJ with me (that's why I took so long) I used Kennedy's key to unlock the house and walked in CJ ran right to the living room looking for Jazz and I ran to Kenn's room (looking crazy) here boo I got you everything you needed plus two extra things I said winking my eyes. She took everything out and sat it down on the bed and we started talking about plan for trey and I told her I want to photoshop a picture of him and Beyoncé and get ballons and told her about Ar'mon's suprise for trey that we have to wait for mommy to come back in order to get it. Than thanksgiving I said we are going to make turkey, Mac and cheese, greens and more and I think me you and mommy are going to cook. Okay queen replied when we heard a knock on the door and it was Jazz...  come in I said and here she comes barging through the door. Wassup bro me and Queen said umm I wanted to know what y'all wanted to eat... ooooo I see something let me find out! We died laughing cause Jazz is a fool!! Bro that's nothing to be honest.... it's Queens simple self "predicting things" I said with my fingers filling in the quotation marks. Umm anyways y'all I want chipotle what y'all want? Queen said some red lobster. I already knew she wanted that because of the biscuits... and the shrimp Alfredo. I told them let me get dressed and when I was finished I walked into the living and got on instagram watching Ar'mon and Trey's fever tour.. asking the gang if we can go to the mall so I can go to Victoria's Secret they was like yeah come on and we headed out.

I am really enjoying my time with the girls we're having a ball. We just ate now we're going to the mall. We pull up and Kenn turns off the car and we go inside. Next thing I know all these fans come up to us asking for pictures. It was one boy who was eyeing Kenn and came over to her..

What's would you like a picture?
The boy said yeah she was recording the vlog for the day and the boy asked if she was
She said yeah he put his arm around Kenn and was like Ar'mon I'm gonna take your girl!
Kenn and Queen start laughing hard
And Kenn removed his arm saying nah bro that's not happening you trying to get killed!
And told him it was nice to meet you.
We walked away fast and starting having a conversation until we got to Victoria's secret.
Kenn and the gang went hard and left lol
Riding in the car to go home, and finally pulling up in the driveway.

We all went to bed...

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