Skate Park

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"How good are you at skate boarding Faith?" Zacky asks smoking a cigarette.

"I don't really know, I've only done it like twice maybe and fell everytime." I giggle. I may have my own bored but it's only because Johnny got it for me last year for my birthday.

"Maybe I can help." He smiles.

"I don't think you are up for the amount of failing that will happen."

"I think I can handle it." He smirks. "C'mon, to the side walk." He takes my hand and drops the cancer stick out of his mouth and smashes it out. Then walks to the side walk dragging me behind. I giggles and fallow. He lets go of my hand,

"Alright set the board down." He orders, I do as told and set my skateboard on the pavement in front of me. "Stand on it," I nod and step up on it. It moves a little and Zacky grabs my waist keeping me steady. "Now use one of your feet, your front foot would be better, and push yourself." I nod and put my front foot down and push my self slowly Zacky holding my waist and walking with me.

"Doing good Faith!" Johnny yells laughing, as him, Matt, and Brian watch. Jimmy rides up next to me and Zacky lets me down and I slowly start to wobble and Jimmy grabs my hand. Then someone's warm hand grabs my other one and I look over and see Brian smiling at me as he perfectly rides next to me.

"And let her go!" Matt yells and they let me go and stop. Well Brian keeps riding next to me. I smile at him and stop,

"How was that?" Brian asks.

"It was fun but I'm just gonna be your cheerleader/fan-girl who woos at everything you do." I giggle,

"I've always wanted a woo girl!" Brian chuckles taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. "You only woo fore right?" He asks giving me puppy dog eyes, I giggle and nod, kissing his cheek. He smirks his normal smirk,

"You hear that Assholes get your own woo girl!" Brian yells at the strangers who are at the skate park. They all look at us confused, I giggle and bury my face in his chest. He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders holding me close.

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