Not Happening Dollface

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I glare at Brian until he turns around and sees me. When he does his sexy smirk drops; that's right bitch your in for it. He says bye to Michelle who pouts and watches him walk over.

"Hi Baby Girl," he says leaning into kiss me. I put my hand over his mouth to stop him.

"Stop," I say,

"What's the matter Baby?" He asks trying to wrap his arms around me.

"We need to make a new rule." I say glaring down at the ground wrapped in his large arms.

"And?" He asks burring his face in my neck.

"No flirting with others..." I whisper into his shoulder.

"Why the sudden rule change? Love me already?" He asks giving neck a few small kisses.

"No, you just can't go around flirting with other girls when we are suppose to be dating..."

"Is that what you call it?" He asks nibbling on my earlobe.

"What else do I call it?"

"I guess dating in a good way to put it..." He says. "Now come with me. Johnny already left with Jimmy and Matt." He says taking my hand and pulling me to his motorcycle.

When we get to my house we see everyone is there. And I mean everyone. Matt, Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, Jason and Matt Berry, Val, and finally the king of all jackasses Tyler Haner. Brian's older brother. (A/N: I made up this guy.)

"Awe shit." I hear Brian mumble and we get off the motorcycle. I don't say a word to him and walk in. I kick off my shoes and walking into the kitchen were only Matt stands talking with Zacky and Val.

"Hey guys," I say setting my backpack down and opening the frigde.

"Hey Faithers," Zacky smiles as he drinks a Dr. Pepper. I lean down into the fridge looking for a Dr. Pepper for my self but... They are all gone.

"Oh Zachary?" I say sweetly.

"Your in for it now Zack!" Matt laughs, "Come Val let us watch!"

"Where is all my Dr. Pepper?"

"Uhm... I was thirsty and you know I love it too! I'm sorry! Don't kill me or have Brian kill me!" Zacky say quickly.

"Your lucky Brian and I aren't talking right now." I say taking the Dr. Pepper bottle from him and turning around but I'm stopped by Brian.

"So we aren't talking hm?" He say getting in my face. I roll my eyes and walking around him and up to my room. I really don't feel like conversing with people now, mostly Brian and Tyler. Tyler is an ass and I'm still mad at Brian for flirting with Michelle then walking over like nothing happened.

I sigh and shut my door walking over to my radio on and turning on Poison Every Rose Has It's Thorn. I climb in bed and pick up the book I'm reading. I trying to concentrate on the book but I can't my mind wanders to Brian and all this shit.

I don't know where the idea came from to do this with him. I guess watching him brake girls hearts and all that, I guess I just want to show him that girls have feelings and it's never good to play them. If he falls for me then I brake his heart. He might rethink being a player.

I've seen girls get so depressed after being with him then him dropping them. They aren't the same people. I used to have more friends then just Rachel, Iris, and Phara. Then Brian started moving in on them and they never stayed friends with me after that. He ruined their lives. Some are in therapy because of him. I mean if you like a guy that much do not agree to be sec buddies with him!

I sigh and shut my book placing it on a my bed side table. I hear knocking at my door but I ignore it. Even though I really shouldn't ignore it if it's Johnny because he over reacts and thinks I'm hurting myself or something so he bursts in. I hear the door opens and and shut. I hear running fey then some on pounces on me.

"FAITH!!!!" I hear Rach scream

"RACH!!!" I yell.

"What's up?" she asks lay down next to me.

"Thinking," I say.

"What about?"

"Brian." I say simple.

"That's what I was coming to talk to you about!" she squeals.

"What about him, well first he's worried about you. And second him and Tyler got into a fight." she says saying the last part quickly.

"Say what?" I gasp.

"Brian's worried about you," she say.

"No the second part." I say.

"Tyler and Brian got into a fright because Tyler said you looked sexy and Brian told him not to say that because your are "his girl" and Tyler said that you would like his dick better and them Brian tackled him." She says proudly.

"Oh, is Brian alright?" I ask, even though I don't know why I care.

"Is Brian alright?! He won! That mother fucker put up a hella good fight!" She squeals. "Then Val called there Dad and told him everything and he came and got Tyler. He's not mad at Brian,"

"Okay, good." I say. I must have been up here for longer then I though. A good hour or so, and lost in my thoughts to not have heard the fight.

"So you gonna come party?" She asks.

"I don't know, and how did you get invited?"

"Jimmy said I had to come to keep you company!" Rach says happily. Jimmy and Rach are brother and sister and they act just alike; but he looks like their dad and she looks like their mom. No one knows were the crazy comes from.

"I see,"

"Now come on and go talk to that sexy man of yours. I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Yay! Faith's gonna party!" She yells and runs out. I grab my Dr. Pepper and walk down the steps. I walk into the living room seeing everyone sitting around watching Matt and Jason Berry play a video game. Everyone is yelling for them to go this way or that way. It's kinda funny to watch you know. The most feared people in school playing Mario and everyone in the room is getting into it. I lean on the door frame watching everyone.

I look around from Brian and I see him sitting silently in the lazy boy with a bag of frozen corn on his eye. I sigh and walk over. I sit on his lap,

"I can't leave you alone for an hour and you get into a fight?" I say it coming out more of a question

"Well of I want you to fall in love with me I have to act like I like you." He says wrap one arm around my wasit.

"Your an ass," I say stretching.

"You like it." He smirks kissing my cheek.

"Yeah sure," I say rolling my eyes.

"At least you are talking to me again." He says pecking my lips.

"Only because you won a fight." I say taking the bag from him to look at his eye. "Damn looks to me you lost it." I say smirks.

"Shut up," he say. I just smirk and hold the corn on his eye. "You should smirk more, it's sexy." He smirks,

"You should smile more, it's cute." I smile.

"I don't smile," he says kissing me.

"Well you should," I say smiling.

"Not happening Dollface." He smiles.

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