Chapter 10: Nightmares Are Nothing But Hell

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Vincent's POV

There was nothing but blackens, it was unnerving, it was terrifying, it was dreadful & yet I knew I was in another nightmare.

A nightmare that the spirits of the children that I killed had made. To taunt me, to scare me, to make my life a living hell every time I close my eyes to sleep.

I usually can deal with the nightmares because I've gotten used to them, but this nightmare was different. Instead of spirits taunting me saying I'm a monster, that I should die, that they will kill me & get their revenge.

There were animatronics in place of the spirits. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, & Foxy animatronics that I knew far too well. But there was something wrong with them, they were withered, they had sharp claws, their teeth were long & pointed & ghostly looking eyes that look like they were piercing your soul, they were...hellish looking!

They narrowed their unsettling eyes at me before one spoke. N. Freddy: Vincent." I stared at them before replying. Vincent: what do you want from me now?"

N.Freddy: you should know what we want....Vincent."

N.Bonnie: yes, we want you dead." N.Chica: after what you to us, you monster." N.Foxy: what they said matey, but there is something that puzzle's me why would a black dragon care for you lad?"

Vincent: you leave Cynder out of this!" I replied angrily.

N.Chica: why? Let me guess, you love don't you?"  Vincent: that's none of your concern!" N.Bonnie: maybe not, but still it odd that she cares for you, you're a monster after all." Vincent: you can call me whatever want but Cynder is helping me bring back my sanity & why is this any of your concern?"

N.Freddy: well it's our concern, because you might kill Cynder." I narrowed my eyes at that. Vincent: why would you think that? I would never do such a thing!"

N.Foxy: lad you're still very much insane & if your not careful this will happen." The hellish version of Foxy said pointing a direction I look to where he was pointing & my eyes widen.

There lying on the ground were spot light appear was Cynder covered in blood, I ran over to her drop to my knees & put her up, she was not moving I pulled her close & whispered.

Vincent: No...why?"

N.Freddy: you see Vincent? No matter how much you try to deny it you are killer & you well always be one." N.Bonnie: yes, you're a psychopath that no one cares about." N.Chica: you killed us & you will kill her are insane!" N.Foxy: yes matey, you are nothing but a monster!"

They said laughing insanely, I began to tremble & tears ran down my face, as I held the corpse of Cynder.

The animatronics repeated over & over that I was a psychopath, that one cares about me, that I well kill Cynder & that I'm a monster. My eyes then turned from pure white to pitch black with white pupils & all I could say was.

Vincent: NO!"

{end of nightmare}

I woke up breathing heavily & looked around I was in my room I sigh & laded down & stared at the ceiling.

Cynder: Vincent?"

I turned to look at the side of me to Cynder with a concern look on her face. Cynder: are you alright?" Vincent: yeah I'm fine love, it was just a nightmare." I replied. Cynder: you want to talk about it?" Vincent: yeah actually, I don't think I told you this love, but I've been having nightmares a lot but I've gotten use to them, but some how this one was worse."

Cynder: how was it worse Vincent?" Vincent: well I usually dream about the spirits of the kids I killed, but this time instead of the spirits, it was the animatronics but they looked....different more hellish looking. They called me a monster & a few another things but what made the dream worse was that, you were dead covered in blood, they that I killed you or was going to & that when I woke up."

Cynder looked piss off after I told her what happened in the dream, frankly I don't blame her. Cynder: Vincent ignore what the spirits say they just trying to make you think that, so don't let them get to you okay?" Vincent: alright love." Cynder: good, now let's get some sleep."

We kissed before falling back asleep; a few days past sense that incident the spirits still taunted me in my sleep but I could care less I'm just glad that Cynder was with me because I wouldn't ask for anything less. But there's one thing that I do know nightmares are nothing but hell.

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