Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"I don't understand why you tolerate her Geoffrey. This has been going on since you and Tanissa permitted her to transfer to that blasted university in Chicago instead of continuing her studies at St. Peter's" with a little tap of his fountain pen, King Jorge continued to jot down his usual plans and actions for the day behind his desk, with nary a glance to his son. Geoffrey who is used to his usual tirade just sat there in front, calmly waiting for him to cool off before saying his piece.

"Alexandria is my daughter father..."

"She's also the Princess of this country and has to answer to her responsibilities"  interrupting him while dotting his i's and crossing his t's on his stationery and finishing off with a pointed look to his heir.

"We try as much as possible to make it a point to raise them both with a balance of normalcy and their royal duties, Father." Standing up he walked towards the window gazing out to the lawn. "And before we moved back from Chicago you did agree to leave the discipline to me and my wife" Geoffrey finished off.

"Nonsense!" With a quick swivel of his chair, King Jorge turned to grab an envelope from a desk behind him. "You are the heir to this throne, and Matthieu after you. Your children are not just anyone, they are royals!" approaching his son, he handed over the crested envelope he was in possession of for a month already.

Glancing at the crest that marked the envelope. Geoffrey recognized it at once as the Danish Royal Crest. "Is this what I think it is?" asking the dreaded question.

With a sigh his father nodded. "The Queen Jane has asked me to finally honour the word I gave to her father."

"Your word?? Your word wouldn't matter coz we both know this agreement was clearly nullified during my time" For the first time he felt his patience with his father break. Opening the enevelope and scanning the contents. It contained a letter and a copy of the signed agreements of his father and the late King of Denmark, the father of Queen Jane the current Queen.

She was the one he was supposedly engaged to. Their engagement was set when they were mere children. During then, Jane was only second to the throne, but when his older brother, the crown prince, died in a boating accident she ascended to the role of heiress to the royal crown of Denmark and by then both their parents thought it unwise to join both heirs together.

"It wasn't nullified, it was merely put aside." retrieving the envelope he went back and placed it in his drawer.

"So what you're saying is that Alexa would be the one honoring this agreement?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes, for she isn't your heir, and as a princess she would be a fitting wife to the Danish Crown Prince. Surely you realize your daughter is of an age where you need to start considering giving her hand in marriage" the King reasoned.

"But you have to consider you grand daughter's feelings father!"

"Don't use that tone on me Geoffrey! My decision is final, the best that I could offer is enough time for them to get to know each other" with a finality in his tone he dismissed him.

Outside the King's study, Alexandria was plastered to the wall. She was on her way to the garden when she passed by earlier, overhearing her father and grandfather arguing.  She was taught not to eavesdrop but hearing her name she paused and listened enough to grasp the topic they were talking about. And when she did, all the blood drained from her face. 


It was yesterday when she knew her life is gonna change. But she still can't believe her father is actually gonna agree to this loathsome deal her grandfather made.  Its the 21st century and people don't do that anymore.

Even if people say she's a royal and it was expected she still couldn't believe her parents are actually gonna falter and abide to the King's wishes, especially to the matter of marriage.  They both know and they've been through the same. They moved to Chicago to avoid censure, they actually fought for theirs, and now they're gonna let her go through the same fate.

With a shake of her head and a heavy sigh she glanced at her new platinum Rolex, a gift from Mom and Dad for her 23rd birthday.  Something flashy and expensive, which rarely happens, does that mean they knew this was coming and maybe was trying to compensate? A showpiece to comfort Princesa Alexa who'll soon be forced to marry this unspeakable one.

Clenching and unclenching her fist she absentmindedly brushed up her hair and received a well deserved slap to the back of her hand

"Ow!" She protested and glanced at her mother's long time nanny, Mrs. Leibowitz.

"Sit still and do not fidget your highness, I am not yet done with your hair." she said sternly.  With a last tuck and spray, she was pronounced ready to be presented at the grand ballroom.


"Presenting, Alexandra Maree, Princess of Lanovie" the booming voice of the butler can be heard all throughout the grand ballroom.  Heads turn to see her come in.  The little girl who was the country's priced jewel when she was born has now turned into a lady. Clad in one of the newest collection of a well-known parisian couture designer and bedecked by jewels that could ransom her own grandfather. Her silver ball gown stood out amidst the crowd of gatherers who came from various county and neighbouring countries. Her golden brown hair was  pinned up in a french twist, and atop sits her grandmother's emerald studded tiara the same shade of her eyes.

"My goodness! Well isn't she a sight to see?" Queen Jane exclaimed as she saw Alexa coming down the grand staircase. "The last time I saw her was when you and Geoffrey took her and the little prince for cousin Eustace's wedding."

Princess Tanissa smiled. " I remember,  that was 15 years ago! How old are the boys again?"

"26. Though you really never notice them growing old when they still make you feel like you have to give a lecture now and then"  with a grim smile, the queen downed her champagne, uncaring of other people seeing. 

One needs the boost of alcohol now and then, especially regarding the situation they are in right now, or about to be in. Her present sanity depends on the mood of her companion who apparently is a no show, no matter how she drilled it in his ears earlier how important this ball is tonight.

Watching the princess approach them, there is no denying that she was an excellent choice for the crown prince.  Groomed since birth as a diplomat and possibly a mother to a country there was no other who can play the role of a future queen better than her.  Hopefully though, she's woman enough to handle him.  There's not much getting to him lately.

"Your Majesty, it is an honour to meet you" with a deep curtsy and a timid smile. Alex was introduced to her future mother-in-law.   They have yet to tell her, but now that incident at the study earlier seems like a blessing in disguise. One has to go to war armed and that for her right now is knowing what her parents and the King are finally putting her in.

Sometimes, even the good girls need to be bad to survive.  Her plans should be set into motion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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