next to harry styles- airplane

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<Katie's pov>

I was so excited because I would finally be going to England, for a whole ten days, alone. Because I was 18, and a legal adult, I somehow managed to convince my parents to let me go on the trip alone, and I was in the airport, waiting for my flight. The flight would be about 8 hours, which I was not excited for, but at least once I was there, I could do whatever I wanted. I heard the flight attendant across the oud speaker in the lobby saying that my plane was boarding, so I stepped in line, only waiting for about 5 minutes. I gave the woman my passport and all of my papers, and I stepped into the plane, finding my seat against the window and sitting down. I opened up Spotify, pressed my one direction playlist, and leaned against the window, closing my eyes. This would be a long flight. There was some commotion happening around my seat, it didn't sound like bad commotion though, so I did not react or look over, my music being so loud I almost didn't even notice. I had almost fallen asleep, leaning over in my chair against the window, when somebody sat down next to me. I still did not notice them, not trying to be rude, but felt like they would rather not talk to an 18 year old girl for 8 hours straight on a plane ride. I was quietly jamming to one direction, when 'little black dress' came on, which is my jam. I couldn't resist, and started dancing around a bit, nodding my head up and down to the music. I guess the person next to me had noticed me moving, and could hear the song, because they started laughing, instantly annoying me. "What the fuck? Who the fuck laughs at a stranger sitting next to them on a plane?" I thought to myself. I felt someone tap my shoulder, assuming that it was the person next to me who had just laughed at me, so I braced myself for a moment, turning around to face the person, not ready at all for who was looking at me.

Harry, Fucking, Styles. The man. The myth. The legend. And I was just an asshole to him. FUCK.

"What are ya listening to?" he asked in his British accent, smirking at me, knowing exactly what I was listening to. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. Harry had always been, and still was my favorite, and I was surprised that I had not passed out by now. "Oh, ya know, just some random song by some random band, you've probably never heard of them though," I joked back, making him laugh. He asked what I was doing on my way to England, and I told him that it was a "present" sort of from my family for graduating high school and going to college. He nodded, telling me that he was going to visit his family for a bit, before starting his next tour. I was surprised, he was always so busy yet made time for his family and loved ones, which made me so happy. I couldn't believe that I was actually sitting next to harry styles, I had been a huge fan of him forever, even thinking of him while I booked the trip, knowing that I would be around where he grew up. I looked back over at Harry, while he was doing something on his phone, and admired him. He was wearing a black sweatshirt, and some simple black jeans, but they probably cost more than all four years of my college tuition. He saw me looking at him and faced towards me again, apologizing. "Hey, sorry about that, what was your name? It's really nice to meet you," he said, seeming very genuine and sincere. I smiled back at him, "My name is Katie! but you can call me Kate," I told him. We talked about music, and his tour plans. He couldn't stop talking about how much he loved his fans and being onstage, which made me even happier, because you could tell by the way he talked that he really loved what he was doing. He seemed like such a good guy, he was nice and caring, I mean hell, he was talking to a literal fan of his on a plane ride, when he could have just ignored me or switched seats. Eventually, after about an hour or so of on and off talking, we both sort of dozed off, or slept as well as you can on a plane in the middle of the sky. My head was leaning towards the window, half asleep, when my hand fell off the armrest, right into Harry's lap without noticing or doing anything. I moved around a bit in my sleep, not acknowledging anything until I heard harry breathe in loudly, startling me. I looked over at my hand on his crotch, and moved it away as possible, saying I was sorry as many times as I physically could. He told me not to worry about it, laughing it off, making me relieved.

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