Part 8

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After that, I get up and walk to my room. I lay down on the bed and look at my phone. It starts vibrating and a name I haven't seen in so long pops up.

Liam Larson
My brother...

I answer.
"Hi, is this Jessie? Jessie Larson?"
"I just go by Jessie now, but yes."
"Alright. This is-"
"Liam Larson. Age 19. Lost his brother, aka me, at age 11."
"Yeah, so what do you need?"
"Um...I wanted to know...if I could...see you?"
"O-oh, sure! Uhm...where at?"
"Waterfall? Maybe tomorrow at 7?"
"Y-yeah! I'll see you then!" I hang up.

I fall onto my bed, a huge smile on my face. My brother actually wanted to see me...
"Who was that?" I hear. I look at my doorway and see Zach standing there.
"It was an old friend...I haven't seen him in a while and he wants to meet up."
"Can...can I come?" He asks, looking at the floor.
"Uhm...s-sure, I guess..." I look back at the ceiling. I hear him walk over to me and sit on my bed. He lays next to me. "What are you-"
"Why do you keep avoiding me...?" He asks, looking at me.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about..."
"You've been avoiding me...ever since the..." His eyes go wide. "Since the kiss..." I look at him.
"I'm sorry..."
"Why are you sorry...?"
"Everything...being's just hurting you..."
"N-no it's not. I love you being's is stressful recently and..." He takes a few deep breaths. "I thing I'm falling to quickly..."
" too..." To bad I'm leaving...he starts laughing. "What's so funny?"
"It's just, when I first met were so mean and mysterious. But now that I've gotten to know you, I realize that you're just misunderstood and is searching for help..." He sits up and looks at me in the eyes. "Just like me." He says, smiling.

I blush and look away. He places his hand on my cheek, forcing me to look at him. He keeps looking at my lips, then back at my eyes, then to my lips again.

"Whats going on here!?!" We both hear, causing us to jump. We look at the doorway and see Henry standing there.
"D-dad! It isn't wha-"
"Both of you. Living room. Now!" He says walking away.
Zach looks down at his lap, frowning. I put my hand on his shoulder and get up.
"Come on...we better go..."


We both go and sit on the couch. I can see the tears forming in his eyes.
"What was that?! What were you two doing?!"
"It wasn't anything dad..." Zach says, his voice shaky.
"Oh really? Because it looked like you two-"
"Don't go hard on him, Henry. It wasn't his fault."
"Jessie, I didn't let you stay here so you could hook up with my son."
"Actually, you forced me to stay here."
"I didn't expect you to get with my son!" I stand up.
"Don't treat me like you know me, or like you're my father! And to think I was going to stay..."
"I'm glad you're leaving." Henry says.
"Henry! Don't be like that!" Darla yells.
"It's fine, Darla...he never liked me anyways...all I am in his eyes is a criminal!" I say, marching off into my room. I lock the door and grab my backpack out of my closet.
I start packing up all of my stuff. My knifes, clothes, and any of my other valuables. I stuff my bag under my bed. I hear a knock on my door. At this point, I'm crying really bad.
"J-Jessie...Please, open the door..." Zach says.
"Jessie, please." He says, almost a whisper.
"Zach, s-stop...please..."
After a few seconds I hear him walk away. I slide down the door, sighing.

Kids in the Dark (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora