{Baby Jessie}

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A/N: Started writing this back in January. Kinda forgot about it... This isn't really important, just wanted to write it. 

Young Jamie POV

This morning me and Thomas were drawing and talking. Liam walked into my room. Liam is my 10 year old brother. "What you doing?" He asks, standing in the doorway. "Drawing with Thomas!" I say, pointing at Thomas. Liam sighs, causing me to look at him. "Jessie, i've told you, they cant see me or hear me." Thomas says laughing. "Oh, right." I start to giggle. "What did he say?"Liam asks, folding his arms over his chest. "He was telling me you cant see him or hear him." I reply, a smile on my face. "Oh. Well, may I join you two?" He asks, coming and sitting at the tiny table in my room. "Yeah! Let me grab you a coloring book!" I say, excited. Running to my dresser and grabbing a book for Liam. 

"Hey, Jess?" He says after coloring a little.. "Yeah Liam?" I mumble, coloring again. "You do know that Thomas is imaginary, right?" I look over at Thomas, he looks sad... "N-no he isn't! He's my friend!" I yell, standing up. "I-I know, but he's an imaginary friend." "No he isn't!" I yell, getting a little upset. Thomas runs over to me grabbing my hand. "C-calm down Jessie." Thomas says, sounding scared. "You'll scare him too..." "S-sorry buddy. I didn't know it would make you that mad." He stands up, walking towards the door. "N-no! Don't leave! Stay and play with me!" I rush over to him, grabbing hold of his leg. "You never play with me anymore!" My eyes start to water. "Dont worry, im just gonna go and get you, me, and Thomas some snacks! I'll be right back." "P-promise?!" I ask. "I promise lil buddy." He says, patting my head. Then, he leaves. Shutting the door behind him. 

"You could have hurt him, Jessie. You need to calm down."  Thomas says, sitting on the table. "I-I didn't mean to! I cant help it!" I yell, wiping away my tears. "Shsh, they might hear you..." He says, looking at the door. I look at the door, squinting a little. Everything gets a little louder. "You need to learn how to control your son!" I hear dad say, whispering. "My son? My son?! He's your son too!" Mom says. "We don't know that! I don't know that!" Dad says back at her.  I force myself to stop, feeling a pair of arms around me. I look up, seeing Liam. "Its okay Jessie. Just, don't listen to them." He says, hugging me tighter. "Don't listen..." I wrap my arms around him, feeling the tears return. "Okay Liam..."I say, the tears falling onto his shoulder.

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