Chapter 1

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A/N: For those who have read this before, this is a reboot of the book, I kept the same characters but I plan on doing it differently than what I originally planned. 

Thank you, and I appreciate all of those who read my previous version, as well as this new one soon to come. 


Saria POV

"Hey, Saria think you can close up for me?"

"Yeah, sure thing Mr. Murakami".

After closing the shop I make my way into the subways. A year or so ago, my mom and I moved to NYC from Japan after she and my dad divorced, not like I really had a choice. I had wanted to stay with my dad in my birth country, but my mom won the custody battle. Now I live by myself in an apartment that my mom and I used to share. A few months back she up and disappeared, not like it changed much, she wasn't ever really there anyway.

After walking the tunnels I arrive at an abandoned section I go to spray paint. I mainly come here so I don't have to worry about the cops, but I occasionally paint different walls in the city. For as long as I can remember I've always loved art and how freeing it can be. I get out my paints and begin painting the wall.

Time skip

Once I finish my painting I head back up to the surface and begin to make my way home

"Look what we've got here".

"Wow, she sure is cute".

Oh great and I was almost home too.

The Purple Dragons are a notorious group of thugs that run the upper east side of Manhattan. Ever since I moved, I have been doing my best to try and avoid confrontations knowing it could cause more trouble down the line, but it looks like today wasn't my lucky day. 

"You think the boss will like her?


Well, whatever they were talking about I didn't plan on letting them take me to a second location. Making to turn around and sprint for the street, more of them came from around the corner.


"Where do you think you're going?"

Away from here obviously

Not acknowledging their question I continued to look around searching for a hole in their circle that I could slip through, knowing I couldn't take them all on my own. Everywhere I looked there seemed to be more of them, before there were 4 and now it looked like over 14.

Where did they all come from?

"No where to go now, sweetheart".

He's right. They just keep coming.

Dammit, I can't get taken here.

But how am I supposed to get out of this?

Even if I could fight off a couple of them, more of them will just show up.

It's hopeless.....I'm screwed.

"Leave her alone."

What the?

I faced the direction of the voice and I saw a shadow on the edge of the rooftop. Although I couldn't make out what the shadow was it looked well over 6ft tall. It jumped down from the ledge and landed in the circle of men right next to me.

"I'll give you one chance Hun, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way".

"Not a chance turtle scum, we ain't letting her getaway".


When I got a better look at him, I realized that he was in fact a turtle. A giant, talking turtle.

"Hard way it is then"

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